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Still Jacob POV

I took Jay downstairs and sat him on the island. He smiled at me and tried to eat the noodles that were in the bowl. I put the other bowl on top of it and pit him on the couch and put a game on my phone so he could play it.

I gave it to him and walk back into the kitchen. I hugged Yn around her waist as she finished the noodles. "Why do you always do this when I'm cooking?" "Becuase. Its the way that I show my love" I kissed her cheek as she made our plates. I let her go and she brought Jay into the dining room.

She started feeding him and I watched her as I smiled. I got closer to Yn and smiled at Jay. He giggled and showed his food. "Aren't you gonna eat, Jacob" "year

But before I go to work"

"You go to work in about 15 minutes" "Oh!" I ran upstairs and put on my uniform and shoes. I grabbed my phone then locked the door and before I left, Yn goes to the door. "I have an appointment today, and I can't take Jay becu--" I pushed her aside and left the house.


I sat on the couch with hurt and shock. Jay came over and sat on my lap as I cried. I decided to call Chres, and surprisingly he answered.

"Yn? Hello what's wrong" I wiped my eyes before I answered. "Jacob left without listening to me, I have an appointment today because I'm 8 months pregnant, and Jay is most likely not gonna behave"

"Look. I'll take you but we have to be don't by 4. What time will it end?" "At like 3:45" "OK. I'll be there in 5" I hunged up the phone and went upstairs and got dressed.

My Lack of Ending..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ