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I woke up to Jay jumping on the bed, Jacob has his Xbox really loud, and a pounding headache. I got up and ran to the bathroom throwing up.

"Jacob!" I yelled at him while flushing the toilet. He came in the bathroom and leaned on the door post. "Someone is pregnant" I hit his chest and started to whine. "Can you go buy me a test"

He grunted and threw on a sweat outfit. "Only because I love you, Yn" he grab his coat, phone and keys and left. Me and Jay went downstairs and made a bowl of cereal and I fed it to him.

He got done, so I made me one and went upstairs to my room. I put him on the bed and put in nick Jr. and sat by him and ate my cereal.

Jacob POV

I was in the ladies aisle (ughh) and I got Yn's pregnancy tests. I made sure no one was looking, so I opened a box if cereal, took the cereal out, and threw in the box than the cereal. I paid for the box, a chocolate bar, a big bag of M&M's, and bought some food for Jay then went home.

"Did you get my pre--" Before she finished, I threw the box at her, then sat done and started eating some M&M's. Jay stucked his hand in and grabbed one then tried chewing on it. I laughed at his facial expression and saw Yn go into the bathroom.

My Lack of Ending..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя