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I woke up and saw Jay watching TV. "Here. Daddy made this for you" he said while handing me a note. I sat up and read the note:

Hey babe. I'm at work and Jay already had cereal. His clothes are on the couch ironed and your clothes are on the couch by his. I be home at 9 do to the slack of other people. Love y'all -Jacob

"Come on Jay" I said while picking him up "Let's go take a ba--" "I know how take a clean, brush my teef and put my cothes on by myself. I got it mommy" he cut me off and shut the bathroom door. I went into me and Jacob's bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I went downstairs and threw two waffles in the toaster and grabbed my clothes. Jacob put me out a gray and pink plaid shirt, some acid washed jeans, gray socks and uggs. I got dressed in the downstairs bathroom and put on Nude by Rihanna. I got my waffles and saw Jay come down in a long sleeve gray shirt dark colored jeans and his gray vans.

I put syrup on my waffles and before I took a bite, guess what I hear. "Mama. Ahh" he sthis"sticking his tongue out. "Did daddy already give you some cereal" I asked him. He started to whine so I put a piece of waffle in his mouth. I got our coats and grabbed my purse, keys, his car seat, and his book bag. We got settled in and I pulled out the driveway. "Mama" "Yea Jay" I asked him "I want one" "what you want" I looked at him in my mirror " I wanna doughnut" "you want a doughnut? You got money" u asked.

He handed me a dollar. "I got it from daddy" I pulled up into Starbuck's drive lane and ordered French latte and two chocolate muffins. We pulled up to Sunnyside and he got out. I signed him in and got down to his level. "you be good for mommy ok" he nodded. I kissed his cheek and left. I got in my car and pulled up to Forever 21.

I went in and saw Snupe and Bambi. Those two people are my main ones. Bambi is gay so everyone likes her on Instagram and Vine. Snupe is a viner but a loud one, so he get's in trouble for being loud and he flirts with me.

"hey bae!!! What took you so long" Snupe asked while hugging my waist. I moved his hands and signed in. "You had to drop of his son. Awe" Bambi said while folding up shirts. "I don't know when bae gone stop playing with my fucking emotions and beat this pussy up" I laughed and started scanning a ladie's stuff up. "20.35 is your due" the lady gave me thirty dollars and I gave her her change and watch her walk away. "Snupe. Come help me with this line, bae" he hugged me then started helping these girls out.

::4 hours later::

I got down with almost 15 people and stood by Snupe. I saw Jacob come in with a Wendy's bag. "Hey bambi. Hey bae. Sup snupe are you flirting with Yn" he questioned him "who wanna date a 18 year old. I'm 19" "anyways I bought all three of y'all some" he said handing me a bag.

"Thanks. What time is it" "its 1:00. I'll--" I cut him off "your going back to work. I'll get jay at 3. Dinner will be ready at 6" "I'm coming home at 8 change of plans" he kissed me then left. He always does this. Even though we just got together about 2 weeks ago, I've seen him do this with Kilonee. The reason why she is with Chres. I shook the thought off and finished working.

My Lack of Ending..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن