Moving forward

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6 months later
November 4

So much has changed and I can finally say it was for the better. I am at a place in my life where I am at my happiest and this feels so good to say. My parents can look at me without fear that I'm going to get hurt again. Graduation was in June and I realized in my final year in high school, the topic was least talked about. Going through everything that happened, graduating was truly the last thing in my mind.

That day was perfect. So many family members flew in to see me walk across the stage. My friends and I had a huge party to celebrate the year. We had almost everyone in our graduating class there which may seem like a ton of people but our class size isn't as big as most schools. Ellia was well into her pregnancy so she didn't party as hard as the rest of us.

Speaking of Ellia, she had her beautiful baby girl on September 4th. We are all so in love with her and I'm grateful to be in both of their lives. To my surprise, Ellia named the baby Leia, the name that I suggested. My heart was so full and grateful that I was apart of this process, especially since the father of her child decided not to be. She chose Jordi's middle name choice for the baby which was Jo.

Leia Jo.

She's perfect in every way. We don't know exactly what color her hair will be for sure yet but she has beautiful blue eyes, just like Edwin.

As far as Theo, he was charged with multiple counts of assault and kidnapping. He's going away for a long time like he deserves and this gave me hope that I will have a life again. His family is not allowed to contact or come near me. As for his three friends, they were charged as well but they got less time than Theo.

I am in college now, studying art and following my dreams of being an artist. Ellia decided to take a year off to focus on the baby. Jordi and Jesse are in college as well. They happened to commit to the same college about 45 minutes away although they are studying two completely different things. We still see each other often and are as close as we've ever been.

Emily is in her sophomore year of high school and she is absolutely loving it. She's made new friends and even took interest in theater. She has a big part in the school play and I can't wait to go back and see how hard the cast has been working. I've kept a close bond with her as well and our moms have even gotten close too. Em is not afraid to talk about what happened to her, she even says it made her stronger.

My past does not define who I am. I am grateful for the people who stayed and did not give up on me when I felt like they should. I can't change my past but I do have control over my future and I sure as hell will make the most of it.

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