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"Can't this thing go any faster?" Soobin whined.

"Are you complaining about my car?" Yuta asked. "Because your ass can walk to Gwanju."

"Yuta." Jaehyun warned. "I'm really not trying to die right now."

"No because he-"

"I'm just calling out your piece of shit for a vehicle."

"Not all of us are millionaires asshat so keep complaining and get kicked the fuck out."

Beomgyu rubbed his head. "These two have been arguing for the past hour."

"He's making good time though." Taeyong added.

"Yeah because he's ran every single light and has been speeding the whole time." The younger mumbled.

"Do you wanna get to your friend quickly or not?" The leader asked.

He sighed. "Yes."

Yuta had an suv, a really nice jet black bulletproof suv that he loved more than himself. Soobin was not impressed.

"Are all Japanese people horrible at driving?" Soobin muttered.

Yuta slammed on the breaks making everyone fly forward, thank goodness for seatbelts. He turned around glaring at Soobin. "Now I see why Yeonjun and your parents fucking left!"

"Dude." Jaehyun said.

"Cool it Yuta." Taeyong added.

Soobin got quiet and they glared at each other. Jaehyun and Beomgyu were sitting with Soobin in between them while Taeyong sat shotgun.

He touched his leg squeezing it gently. "Drive."

Yuta finally turned around murmuring things under his breath before he sped off. They heard sirens going off behind him and Beomgyu sighed.

"Hyung can you shake them?"

"I'm in the mood to kill someone right now." He took out a gun from under his seat rolling his window down. "Taeyong-"

"Got it." He grabbed the stirring wheel as Yuta turned around and started firing shots at the police behind him.

"You guys are crazy!" Soobin yelled as Jaehyun also took out an assault rifle from under his seat.

"We've heard that one before." He rolled down his window too and started firing out. Beomgyu was texting on his phone while the car weaved and swerved on the road.

Soobin stared at him. "How are you-"

"I'm used to it." He answered not looking up. He started laughing showing Soobin his phone. "Look Tae said I'm cute, he's so funny."

Soobin just covered his ears wanting this to be over.


Wooyoung paced back and forth in San's room.

"You fucking idiot is he dead?!" He exclaimed loudly.

"No he's just unconscious." He said nonchalantly. "He was going to text someone, I caught him. We're giving him too much freedom. He told me 'no' Woo. NO! To me? I wanted to snap his neck."

"Did you take your meds?"

"Shut the fuck up I don't fucking need that shit and you know it!" He yelled jabbing his finger into his chest.

Wooyoung closed his mouth and then looked back at Yeonjun who was still laying in bed unconscious.

"What are you going to do about him when he wakes up?"

San smirked. "He's gonna learn a few lessons."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I'm sorry for the long wait I needed a little break to relax and binge watch tv like a hobo

I hope you aren't mad I'll get back to updating regularly tomorrow but for now I hope this is okay

And thank you to everyone who checked up on me means a lot 💛💛💛💛 love you

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