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Soobin was getting Yeonjun changed into comfortable clothes listening to him drunkenly talk about his past. He could tell he had been holding a lot in.

"Why did you stay if he hit you all the time?" He asked still not knowing who he was.

Soobin put the t shirt on him. "I really loved him Soobin. He wasn't always like that he was a good guy he treated me well h-he...told me loved me. No one ever says that to me."

Soobin sighed. "Yeonjun he wasn't good, he hit you. That's not how relationships work."


"He's supposed to be gently with you." He touched his face giving him a sad but gentle look. "Like this." He caressed his cheek. "Doesn't that feel nice?"

Yeonjun nodded not looking at him. "Soobinnie."


"If I did everything he asked and still got hit...doesn't that make it my fault? I-I had to be doing something wrong for him to-"

"He was being a dick Yeonjun that's not how that works. He just wanted to hit you."

Yeonjun shook his head. "N-No i-it was my fault." He covered his ears murmuring things to himself.

Soobin frowned looking at him. The blue haired male moved closer bringing his hands to his wrist. "You're a good person Yeonjun." He said softly as he started to cry. "It wasn't your fault."

Yeonjun opened his eyes looking at him.

"You're a good boy you know that?" He asked gently smiling.

"I am?"

"Yes." He started to lay him back in the bed. "You're such a good boy Yeonjun, you always do good." He relaxed seeing him smile softly at him. "Better?"

Yeonjun nodded.

"Let's sleep now." He laid next to him, Yeonjun snuggled up against his chest causing Soobin to wrap his arms around him.

"Soobin...you're the first person I've slept next to since he left...i-is it wrong for me to like this so much?" He whispered.

"Not at all, you're also the first person I've slept next to since my breakup." He looked down and Yeonjun was finally alseep and didn't squirm and whimper like he usually did.

This time he just slept.

And Soobin could finally rest easy himself.

The next day came and as expected Yeonjun freaked out.

"I said no sex!" He yelled at Soobin.

"Yeonjun we didn't have sex, I mean you'd be able to tell if we did you're standing up pretty easily right now."

Yeonjun glared at him. "Then why are you in my bed."

"We were talking last night, you got really drunk."

Yeonjun relaxed a bit. "What...did I say?"

"You just talked about some guy that used to hit you. Do you wanna keep talking about it? It seemed to make you sleep better."

"Forget everything I told you."

Soobin cocked an eyebrow. "Why?"

"JUST FORGET IT!" He yelled. "I should have never told you that stuff I'm such an idiot!"

"Hey you're not an idiot...Yeonjun I want you to be comfortable with me."

"That's not part of our contract which you've seem to forget about." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Soobin I really appreciate you dealing with my drunk ass last night but we need to pretend none of that happened. Okay?"

"How can I just pretend that you aren't fucked up from getting ABUSED?"

Yeonjun looked down at the floor. "H-He wasn't abusi-"

"Oh my God YES HE WAS! You think love is someone called you a piece of shit and useless? You think him loving you was him hitting you? You think him loving you was making you feel like the most unloved person ever? If that's what you think Yeonjun you are VERY wrong."

It got quiet and Yeonjun continued to stand there, his eyes watering at what he said.

Soobin let out a sigh. "You owe me."

Yeonjun looked at him, it was fair. "W-What do you want?" He asked softly.

"I don't get to drink because you always get drunk, it's my turn."

That's how Yeonjun found himself in his living room with a extremely drunk Soobin crying on his lap.

"And then I dropped the bread~I'm so sorry bread!" He cried.

Yeonjun pouted as he rubbed his head soothingly. "If this is how I act I should jump out my window." He murmured.


"Yes Binnie."

"That guy who hurt you...I was with someone before I started this sugar daddy thing. She was okay until she became...verbally abusive to me and extremely possessive. She felt entitled to everything and the relationship became toxic." He looked up at Yeonjun.

"You remind me of her sometimes." He murmured.

Yeonjun frowned. "Isn't that a bad thing?"!

Soobin chuckled. "You have her good qualities but at the same time...I'm starting to forget what she looks like. I only see you-mm."

Yeonjun's face turned red and then he covered the youngers. "Let's go to bed." He muttered.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Awkward 😬

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