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Yeonjun was leaving his final class of the day, he walked towards the bathroom and was suddenly pushed in by someone. He stumbled forward almost falling over.

He turned to cuss out whoever did that.

"What the fu-Seonghwa!"

He stood there staring at him. Yeonjun avoided his gaze.

"W-What do you want?" He asked.

"We fuck, you say Soobin's name then ghost me. What do you think I want?" He snapped.

"Oh my gosh someone kill me." He thought to himself.

"I uhhh...I think I hear someone calling me." He went to leave but Seonghwa stepped in front of him. "Seonghwa let me leave."

"I'm not gonna hold that against you." Seonghwa said. "I'm not...mad. I just want answers."


"So you and Soobin fucked before obviously right?" He asked and Yeonjun nodded. "You like him?"

"Not the way you are thinking, Soobin is stubborn and persistent but he's a good person. I'm sorry Seonghwa, if I hurt you."

Seonghwa sighed. "I know...look I like you." Yeonjun looked at him. "I still like you, I've always had feelings for you Yeonjun. I can treat you well."

Yeonjun shook his head. "No...no I can't date anyone...not now at least. Seonghwa I'm sorry I really have to go." He quickly walked past him leaving the bathroom bumping into someone.

"I'm sorry I didn't-Yeonjun."

Yeonjun looked up and his breath hitched.


"Is every person I ever messed with gonna jump me today?" He thought to himself.

"H-Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much just failed my math test." He chuckled a little. "Anyways um how are you?"

"I'm okay."

They stared at each other for a moment, Yeonjun heard the bathroom door open behind him. They both looked and saw Seonghwa, he looked at the two with a blank stare.

Yeonjun turned back around. "I gotta go bye." He walked past Taehyun breaking out into a jog, he was walking to his car which was just one of Soobin's cars that he let him borrow.

He got in and drove home, he fumbled around his bag looking for his house key.

"What the fuck?" He murmured still digging for it.

"Yeo!" The voice made him freeze. "Don't do anything stupid, come here."

Yeonjun slowly turned around meeting eyes with San who was standing behind him. He smiled at the pink hair male who was visibly shaken by his presence.

San walked a bit closer to him and Yeonjun didn't move, his eyes still focused on his. San reached up and touched his head, Yeonjun closed his eyes.

"You've been messing around with Soobin."

Yeonjun didn't answer.

"You're with him but who do you really belong to?" He asked pulling Yeonjun into a hug. "I missed you Yeonjun."

He pulled away to look him in the face. "Aren't you gonna invite me inside?"

Yeonjun hesitated but shook his head. "N-No...I can't, I-I shouldn't." He murmured backing away.

"Nonsense Yeonjun-"

"Soobin said you didn't love me. Is that true! Was everything you told me a lie?"

"Of course not we loved you Yeonjun. You left."

"It hurt San." He felt himself tearing up.

"Aww don't cry. Come on let's go inside." He searched Yeonjun's bag taking out his keys and unlocking the door.

They went inside taking their shoes off.

"Go sit."

Yeonjun bit his lip and went to his couch. San looked in his cabinets finding his alcohol, he took out two glasses and poured them both something to drink.

He walked over sitting next to him. He sat one drink down handing the other to Yeonjun.


"I-" He brought the glass to Yeonjun's lips forcing him to drink it, a little bit ran down his chin as he tried not to choke. Once he drank it all Yeonjun caught his breath only to get the other glass shoved in his face.

He drank that one as well, San watched with a smirk on his face.

"Want more?"

Yeonjun shook his head but San still stood up bringing a whole bottle over to him.

"Drink it."

Yeonjun shook his head. "I-I can't S-San please I don't want-ugh!" San grabbed a fist full of his hair forcing his head back as he brought the bottle to his lips.

Yeonjun grabbed his wrist wanting him to stop, he choked and San pulled the bottle away letting him catch his breath.

He leaned on San letting tears fall from his eyes.

"Look at you, finally got you drunk." He grabbed his arm forcing him up. "Come on, let's have a little fun shall we?"

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

There was a clue in here I wonder if anyone caught it 🍵👀

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