Chapter Five: The Disappearance of Magic

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To say the group was weary when they arrived in the new town was an understatement. They were dragging their feet, struggling hard to not let their eyes fall shut. Wendy was draped over Natsu's back, not able to rest in their wagon without becoming violently ill. Besides the two Dragon Slayers walking, the others sat in a large wagon pulled by two horses, barely enough room with all of Erza's suitcases.

Happy and Carla lay curled up in the back of the wagon, enjoying the last remains of the sun. Lucy slept in the back, book open on her lap and head resting against Gray's shoulder as he messed with the communication lacrima, trying every few minutes or so to make his call connect. Every time, though, it just kept sending him to that never ending tone. Erza spoke with Natsu in hushed tones as she guided the horses, trying to help him stay awake as he walked alongside the vehicle he hated so much, holding Wendy on his bag as she still struggled through her sickness.

Their wagon pulled into the small town, the streets empty even though the sun was still above the horizon. Erza spotted a few lights in windows, shadows flickering across the glass as people moved through houses. She nudged Gray, telling him to wake the others as they approached the center of the town.

"Excuse me, sir," Erza stopped the horses, calling out to a man she saw walking down the street. The elder paused, returning to their wagon in order to address the young woman who was now stepping out of the wagon and handing the reins to her friend.

"What can I do for you, young lady?" He asked with a smile, his gentle face framed by strands of white hair half hidden by a plain brown hat. Erza smiled back, smoothing the skirt of the dress she wore. It still bothered her, not being able to wear the armor that made her feel safe, but, as Lennox had pointed out, they would blend in more with the other countrymen if they wore the attire of the people. So the three girls wore long plain dresses or skirts and blouses, and the boys wore trousers and shirts, and Erza was sure to impress on Gray how important it was that he not strip while in the company of strangers. She was also working on keeping Natsu and Gray from fighting all the time, and the only reason that was succeeding was because everyone was just exhausted all the time.

"My friends and I, we've been traveling all day, and we were wondering if there was an inn in this town? We understand if there isn't, we just thought we'd see if there was a bed to sleep in instead of the ground." She laughed, brushing a lock of scarlet hair behind her ear The old man broadened his smile, letting out a chuckle of his own.

"I understand all too well. I remember the days I spent traveling this country with my friends. Our town doesn't have an inn, but come along with me. Ever since my children grew up, I've had a few extra rooms. You can pay me back by telling stories of your travels."

"Thank you very much sir. Truly, we can't thank you enough." Erza motioned to Gray to bring the horses over, and they followed the man through the tight streets.

He introduced himself as Bauer, and Erza told him their names. She knew that giving out their names may not be the best thing to do, but in a small town like this, it wouldn't make much of a difference. Especially when this man seemed so harmless and trustworthy. Erza was a good judge of character if she said so herself, and she found herself liking this man. In a way, he reminded her of the Master. God, it's already been so long since we saw him. I wonder how he's doing. Ever since he had nearly escaped death, Master was confined to a chair, barely able to use his legs. It never put a damper on his spirit though, and in the year since the war, he had learned how to use his chair with much efficiency. Master has always been optimistic, so I don't think he's had much trouble adjusting to this new lifestyle. Especially with all the alcohol the guild always has stocked. Smiling to herself, she brushed her hair away from her face as they continued through the streets.

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