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"I don't remember this movie being so bad," Nicole said apologetically. It was their first Dean Koontz movie night and Nicole was unanimously decided to be the one to pick. But as Furface's namesake flashed across the screen beside a young and fresh-faced Corie Haim in the film version of Watchers, it was clear Nicole regretted her choice. "I really thought this one was one of the better ones. Course I think I was around 12 the last time I saw it."

Nathan hummed, politely noncommittal in reply.

Carla, who'd stayed up after dinner to join them, sighed. "You'd think Michael Ironside could save it, though."

"Which one's Michael Ironside?" was Emily's rather bored sounding question as she dug into the bowl of popcorn on Nicole's lap.

"He's the villain. He's usually the villain," Carla explained from her armchair. "And he's so good at it."

"The monster?" Emily asked, confused as she munched on popcorn beside Nicole.

"No, not the monster. Just watch," Nathan chided his little sister from Nicole's other side on the couch. "You'll see."

Emily sighed. "I vote I get to pick next." And she nudged Nicole in the ribs. "I hope the book was better than the movie."

Nicole chuckled. "As always."

The movie was half over when they paused for intermission. Carla excused herself to the bathroom off her master bedroom while Emily used the one upstairs. Nathan headed to the kitchen to make another batch of popcorn, and Nicole, feeling a bit sleepy, stepped out onto the patio for some fresh air.

Carla was out there, just lighting up a cigarette, having apparently snuck out the door from her bedroom into the backyard.

Both women froze, Nicole only because she was surprised to find someone out there, but Carla because...

"If I asked you not to tell my kids you saw this, would you be willing to keep it between us?"

Nicole nodded in awkward silence, feeling guilty for seeing something she wasn't meant to see. It was made even worse since she was a guest in their house.

Carla took a long drag and, on the exhale, continued. "No, I won't ask you to do that. The truth is Nathan probably suspects I'm doing exactly what I'm doing. And Emily knows I'm trying to quit."

Nicole nodded silently again, stomping her feet to keep warm. She'd not brought her coat out with her but was still wrapped in the throw Emily had laid across them when they'd started the movie.

"Don't judge me too harshly," Carla went on, her gently lined face in mostly shadow but for the ember of her lit cigarette. "I know it's a terrible habit, and an expensive one. Especially now. But it's been a stressful year... plus."

Nicole took a step toward Carla. "I am not judging you. I promise. There are worse things than taking a smoke break, you know." And she smiled reassuringly.

Carla returned the smile and nodded. "My kids certainly have grown fond of you," she said softly. "And I can certainly see why."

"I'm just as fond of them. And you," Nicole replied earnestly. "It's been a very lonely few years for me. And I'm very lucky you've welcomed me into your home like this."

Carla chuckled. "Now don't go thinking you're in our debt, because you're not. We're all just neighbors and friends here. No one's doing anyone any grand favors." She took another drag and then added. "You're here because they like you. You're here because I like you."

Nicole sniffed and replied, grinning, "I like them and you, too."

Carla smiled and regarded Nicole curiously. "Do you see your family much?"

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