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I am furious.

Dream, George, and Sapnap think that after putting L'manburg through hell for months, then letting them have one moment of happiness just before crashing their world once again is something I'm going to be ok with.

The look of shock on Dream and Sapnap's face as I told them off just a few minutes ago was amazing. Watching as they had to listen as I fumed was everything I needed to keep going. I'm surprised my voice stayed strong and my point never faltered.

I'm a confident person but that was something else. It was the same rush of emotions I had felt when I went off on Eret after his betrayal. Pure rage was all I felt in those moments.

I was scared of that side of myself, the side that thinks with her heart, not caring about consequences or how what she says affects others. I usually try my best to be kind and thoughtful, but when I am passionate about something, it's like a whole other person comes out. That girl... that side of me, she's strong and she isn't afraid of speaking her truth. It's... terrifying, but at the same time, I like it. She knows what she wants and she will put people in their place when it is necessary.

Slow tears fall from my eyes and I press my back hard against the door to my bedroom and slump down to the floor as I lean against it. I can hear footsteps in the distance, but they are getting closer by the second. The thump of feet climbing up the stairs that lead to my bedroom makes me quickly wipe away my tears and take a deep breath, steadying myself.

I close my eyes, exhale loudly, and stand back up, still leaning against the door.

Three rapid knocks pound against my door.

"y/n, we should talk." Dream says through the door.

I keep my back firm against it, not making a move to open it.

"I'm done talking. Leave." I say, sternly. I hear no footsteps, meaning Dream is still just outside my door, waiting to be let in.

"Yeah well I'm not done, so open up."

I sigh and twist my back, unlocking and opening the door. Dream is standing just a few inches away from it but hastily pushes past me, not waiting for an invitation. I stay standing there, expression blank and facing the hallway with my hand still on the doorknob.

"Oh yes, Dream, come on in," I say, sarcastically, to the empty hallway.

Dream scoffs and I turn around, expression turning hard, to see him making himself at home sitting on my bed with his back against my headboard and playing innocently with my pillows.

I make my way over to him and sit next to him on my bed. "What do you want?" I say, unamused.

"I want to talk. You seemed pretty pissed earlier so I figured I should explain."

I chuckle, humorlessly. "What's there to explain? My friends are happy and you are a soulless, emotionless, heartless monster who wants to take away said happiness. Anything you would like to add?" I say, false-sweet.

"y/n, you have to understand I-" I don't let him finish.

"No, you have to understand. There is nothing you can say to defend yourself or make what you are doing seem ok in any way, so don't even try. I don't want to sit here and listen to you come up with a bunch of bullshit excuses, so please leave," I say, gesturing to my open door.

"I'm not going to leave, ok? Just... just hear me out."

I shake my head but agree, even though he doesn't deserve it. "Fine. Say your piece."

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