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I'm happy for them. That's what I've been telling myself.

I'm happy they have their independence. They... deserve it.

I just wish I was with them.

Tommy gave Dream the discs for independence and he didn't bargain for me. That's what Dream said. He told me that Tommy offered him Cat and Mellohi for L'manburg's independence and when I asked if Tommy said anything about me, Dream told me my name didn't come up.

So they've given up on me.

After everything we went through together, they've stopped trying. I had never felt more alone than when I was standing there watching as they hugged and celebrated their independence. I hated that feeling. I hated knowing that they were going to be happy, in the place I used to call home, while I was stuck with Dream, forgotten.

It's been just over two weeks since L'manburg got their independence and I've spent most of it training for god knows what and getting closer with George, who seems to have forgiven me. I've talked to Eret once or twice but nothing really comes of those conversations. They are short, consisting of dry small talk, both of us finding the whole situation very awkward. I'm trying my best to work towards forgiving him and it's been hard, but I think I'm getting there. Even with his betrayal, it all worked out in the end for L'manburg. Even if he is part of the reason I got taken by Dream in the first place, I have a feeling he's no longer the only thing keeping me here.

Dream wants me here.

I have no idea why he wants me here, but he does, and in these past few weeks I've come to understand that Dream almost always gets what he wants.

I spend a few hours a day patrolling with Dream who is acting uncharacteristically nice, which only makes me hate him more. A few days ago he stopped tying my wrists when we went out, which was a relief, to say the least. The skin around where the ropes were usually tied had become dry, thin, and weak, which caused me more pain than I would care to admit. The rest of my time is spent sleeping or chilling with Sapnap and George, who are usually fighting with each other about whatever went wrong that day. Sapnap still kind of freaks me out. His whole I don't care, I'll kill you, I'm an arsonist vibe always has me on edge.

Sapnap and Dream have been teaching me more about fighting. How to move, where to keep my balance, how to put all my weight into a punch. I'm not sure what I am training for, though. The war with L'manburg is over. We are at peace and it's been quiet since they got their independence. Still, Dream seems to be very on edge and the way he is training me makes it seem urgent, like something is going to go wrong any day now.

Every once in a while I hear Dream talking to Sapnap and George in hushed voices. Something about a man, someone new to the area, who was going to help them... or something. I never caught more than a few words before they would see me and act like nothing was happening. I didn't mind it though, I would find out eventually if it was important and right now I am enjoying the peace and quiet.

I miss my friends.

Tommy, as bothersome as he can be, was a steady person in my life and I miss his jokes, the way he never takes anything seriously, and how he would always get so pissed when I would beat him in sword fights (which happened often).

Wilbur had been like a brother to me for years. He taught me how to play the guitar when I was little, before L'manburg, though, I don't remember much of it now. He gave me and Eret a home, something to fight for, and he was an amazing general. Dream said he's president now, and I could not think of a better person for the job.

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