Sugawara || •°.Not what I thought.°•

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Sugawara Koushi x Male Reader
Mafia AU

•Mafia Weapons(you know pew pew, stab stab?)

[I suggest you play the song above, Cradles by Sub Urban on repeat through out this chapter]



The (H/C) haired male snapped out of his own make believe world and quickly lifted his gaze up from the wooden table.

Oh right. He's currently in the meeting room of Karasuno's gang. a meeting being held by Sawamura Daichi.. "(Y/N), are you alright?" The said leader asks the male who nods after lowering his gaze back onto the table missing the worried glace many of the crew sent him "Alright. as I was saying. Shiratorizawa is...well getting too close for comfort into our territory..I already phoned Aoba Johsai and they agreed to help if things get messy." Daichi informed everyone.

"'Get messy' don't mean a war...right?" one of the newest in the gang Hinata Shōyō asks with a worried gaze "Sadly yes. Nekoma as well as Fukurodani and Dateko agreed to help. But I don't think Johzenji, Nohebi and Inarizaki will agree." the Captain admitted with a sigh

"Tch. I'm not surprised about those damned Monkeys.." Tanaka cursed "Why can't we just let them have that part of the territory..?" Asahi asks nervously, Nishinoya snapped his head torwards the older's direction "WHAT?! Asahi are you out of your mind?! you want to give a part of our territory to those fucking Eagles?!!" the shorter male yelled out

"Now now, calm down Noya." Suga said while glancing at the abnormally quiet (Ravenette, Blond, Etc.) from across the table "It's best if we talked calmly." the grey haired male said "I think it's about time we end this meeting. I'm sure everyone's tired, try not to think about the situation. especially you two, Yamaguchi and (Y/N)." Daichi announced as he stood from his chair.

One by one people started leaving and room and to their sleeping quarters, Daichi, Suga and Asahi stayed behind to talk about the elephant in the room.

A quiet (Ravenette, Blond, Etc.) entered his room and sat on his bed after shutting the door locked.

Leaning against the wall and looking out the window gazing at the night sky.

"Asahi are you out of your mind?! you want to give part of our territory to those fucking Eagles?!!"

"You don't mean a war...right?"

"Toø cL0sз fôЯ CòмfóRт"

(Y/N) grabbed a match box and lit one of the sticks holding the lit stick close to the wick of a candle standing on his window sill.

the male blew out the fire on the stick and stared at the new one on the candle watching as the heat slowly melted the wax which soon slowly ran down the side of the candle, pooling at the bottom before slowly drying solid because the heat is too far.

(Y/N) stuck his finger into the half solid wax feeling the slight burn on his finger tip, strange isn't it?

Candles are like humans. they all came  from one person at some point in the far past. yet as soon as they see a light of opportunity. they break away from the others and make their own path. only to notice its the wrong path and slowly die since their too far off before rotting at the very bottom and getting buried and forgotten because of the others who took the wrong path.

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