Everyone-- || •°.A What-.°•

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Various Haikyuu x Male Reader
Mermaid AU

Couldn't stop thinking about this. so here you go have as much Haikyuu boys as I could give you in one chapter.

Let me warn you!! There will be ships here and some that you might not agree with, if so don't fight me, I'm a multishipper, I ship everything. (Except the illegal ones)

This is a pretty long chapter and a while before (Y/N) shows so please be patient on reading. Also I won't be updating fir a while due to writter's block

An Era where pirates and merpeople existed, a victorian era if you'd like to say.

"Agh Captain! Why are we sailing so early in the mornin'?!" A Buzz cut male wearing a black and white stripped shirt asks "Shut up Tanaka, you know there's rumours that there's a creature in the southwest of the ocean that caused other ships to sink, well we were tasked to find out why!" the Captain, who is named Daichi explained as the other crew boarded the ship.

"I heard other pirates are also goin there, Oh Noya! what if we see the Captain of the female ship?! Captain Kiyoko~" Tanaka sways "I know right?! and her Co-captain Yachi! or Saeko-nee-san!!" Nishinoya joined in

"Alright you simps, we get it, just get in the damn ship" Tsukishima said as he fixed his black jacket and the sword on his hip "Shut up Tsukishima! you're saltier than the ocean we sail in!" Noya insulted as he and his best bro boarded the ship before they face the wrath of their captain "That's not very possible..Shrimp." Tsukishima muttered the last part with a smirk.

"Guys quiet before Captain gets mad" a male with his hair in a low pony tail warned as soon as he saw the Captain glance at them. the three quickly shut up as soon as they also see the captain glare at them as he stirs the ship in a show pace "Alright, since Tanaka and Noya seems to have so much energy, Nishinoya why don't you scrub the deck, and Tanaka untie the sails so we can go already." Daichi sternly ordered

"Yes Captain..." the two said as they basically deflated the two quickly got to the work their assigned to "Tsukishima, go up the ladders and keep an eye for anything suspicious on the scope, Asahi ready the cannon balls, we don't know what we'll encounter in those seas." the Captain once again ordered but less mad this time

"Yes Captain." the two said with a salute before they went to their ordered directions.

"Ah. we'll nice to see you here Captain of the Karasuno Pirates." a female voice suddenly broke through the silent air "Oh, Good Morning Captain Shimuzu!" Daichi greeted the female pirate as he slightly tipped his hat at her "Same to you, but didn't I tell you to just call me Kiyoko? no need to be so formal, I was in the same Training place as you and Asahi-kun." Kiyoko said


Loud shouts were heard from the Karasuno ship as Tanaka and Noya burst through the door of the ship "HOW ARE YOU TODAY OUR BEAUTIFUL GODDESS?!!" Tanaka asked excitedly

"I'm guessing you're also heading 
SouthWest Daichi?" Kiyoko asked her fellow captain, completely ignoring the two simps which caused the said crewmates to swoon obnoxiously.

This time Daichi didn't need to even say a word to make them stop, loud cracking thunder echoed through the sky making everyone flinch in surprise, fear or even both, in the distance the two Captains watch dark storm clouds form at an unnatural speed "What is going on out there?!" Daichi asked surprise and kinda worried.

"Tsukishima! can you see what's going on out there from up here?" Daichi asks the blond who salutes before looking through the telescope, after searing a few times Tsukishima spots a ship in the middle of the storm "Captain! There's a ship in there!!" Tsukishima shouted out

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