The two boys jumped apart, they're heart's racing and their faces flushed as they glared at a nearby seagull. Seagulls were creature of the land and sea, which is why mermen and phoenixes weren't too fond of them. Like how Keith and Lance were right now, irritated their moment was ruined. Wait a second. Seagulls were usually used to communicate between kingdoms and why are there multiple in the moment, surrounding Keith and Lance? The seagull that ruined the klance moment made a noise again. Keith and Lance stared at each other than the seagull.

"News from the Sea Kingdom and Phoenix Kingdom for both mermen and phoenixes. The war that has been going on for almost a century is almost over. There will be a championship deciding who wins the war and who is the superior creature. The Olympic Games will have ten creatures of each side competing in the games, chosen by the king and emperor. After each trial, a winner for each side will be chosen. That winner will continue going against the other side until eliminated or it reaches the final trial and will face the challenger on the other side. If a winner is eliminated, a new challenger will be presented. In the end there will be two challengers facing the final trial, and whoever wins that  will win the entire war. Good Luck."

Keith and Lance looked at each other in a panic. They knew the trials would not be friendly and someone will get killed. "We have to stop this." said Lance, his eyes showing concern. Keith grabbed his hand to calm him down."I know and we will, I have an idea..."


Keith and Lance met each other on the morning of the Olympic Games. "You ready?" Asked Keith. Lance nodded nervously. They made sure they had been chosen as one of the ten to go in the games. That was with the help of Keith's friends, Pidge. Lance stared to leave till Keith grabbed his hand. "Wait, Lance." He bit his lip nervously and Lance smiled warmly at him. "I wanted to tell you...good luck and..-I-Love you." Keith looked away in embarrassment and Lance turned his cheek towards him, kissing him softly. "I know, and I love you too. Good luck." Lance swam away, leaving Keith flustered and looking at him fondly as he touched his lips softly and smiled.

The games were beginning and the opposite sides met each other in a stadium, with ocean water on one side for the mermen and mermaids, while floating clouds for the phoenixes.

Ten mermen and phoenixes were lined up against each other. They gave each other hard looks. The first merman and phoenix went against each other. Merman won.

The same merman lost.

Then the phoenix who won, lost against the other merman.

Then that merman lost.

The same pattern continued. Merman then phoenix, then phoenix then merman. It was now the ninth trial. Hunk had also been chosen, so it was his turn after the last phoenix lost. Lance gave him a thumbs up, but prayed that he would lose. It was the only way Keith's plan would work. Alfor was there announcing the trials. "The ninth trial, Hunk from the Sea Kingdom v.s Shirogane of the Phoenix Kingdom." Lance's eyes widened as Shirogane stepped down from the cloud he was floating on. He had huge black wings that matched his hair, except for the white tuff. If Lance was correct, this was Keith's brother, Shiro. "The Ninth trial is hunting. Hunk will go underwater and get the most fish he can. Shirogane will get the most animals on land. And BEGIN." he boomed over the crowd. Hunk dove into the water as Shiro flew across the sky.

20 minutes later Hunk was out of the water and Shiro stopped flying and landed. Judges counted the animals and fish. "Fish:50...."yelled one of the judges. Lance held his breath."Animals....90, Shirogane wins and will go against Lance McClain of the Sea Kingdom in the final trial." Lance blew a breath of relief. If Keith was right, Shiro would step down and Keith would go against him the final trial.

Shiro cut off the Sea King in the middle of his sentence. "Sir, If I may I wish for my brother, Keith Kogane, to be the one to fight Lance McClain of the Sea Kingdom. He is a worthy fighter, I promise." Alfor looked at Zarkon and raised his eyebrow. The Phoenix Emperor nodded and Keith was allowed into the final trial. Whatever it was.

It was time. Lance was in the bigger side of the pool and Keith was hovering over a cloud waiting for instructions. Alfor and Zarkon looked at each other. "Before we begin, we will make a few adjustments. We will remove the wings and tail of the challengers and have them fight properly." Zarkon looked over at the Empress of the Phoenix Kingdom, Haggar, and blue and red swirled around Keith and Lance. Lance's tail was gone along with his fins replaced with regular ears and long tan legs. Lance wore blue boxer shorts. Keith's wings were gone and both boys looked like regular humans. 

"We removed them because in the final trial, you will fight...to the death." Gasps were heard from the crowd and Keith shook his head knowingly. He knew it was gonna be like this. "We begin....NOW." Keith nor Lance didn't move a single muscle. "What are you doing? NOW." Lance stepped out and grabbed Keith pulling him to his side. "No." he said simply with a grin on his face. The Kings were enraged. "What do you mean no?" Keith growled,"He means No. We aren't gonna fight over something to small and stupid." Lance held Keith's hand and smiled at him. " How long have we been fighting this war? For almost a hundred? Why? For a stupid title on who's the stronger species? What's the point? Mermaids will never be able to fly and Phoenixes will never be able to swim. We are powerful in our own way and too many creature have died trying to prove otherwise. This is stupid and we have to stop this war that kills innocent beings!" The crowd nodded in agreement. 

The kings were absolutely stunned and dumbfounded. "I..I guess you're right. We were wrong to think we would be stronger than the other in every way. Alfor, will you sign a peace treaty with me?" Asked Zarkon. Alfor smiled and hugged The Emperor. "We don't need a peace treaty, consider this war Over." The crowd roared and cheered. Keith had wings back thanks to Haggar. Lance pouted, "What about me?" Keith chuckled,"I have something I want to do first." He spread out his wings and picked Lance up, flying with him into the air. Lance gasped and the the ocean from the sky for the first time in his life. Keith landed on a cloud and kissed Lance sheepishly. Lance smiled into the kiss. The war was finally over and their love was no longer forbidden.

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