Chapter 9

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Persephone POV

I wake up to feel butterflies in my stomach.

Even though I nearly got caught with my bruise, yesterday was still amazing.

Leo's so kind and caring and he makes me feel like the prettied girl in the world.

However, I know he would never go for me. I was happy being his friend even if I wanted more.

At school

I walk into first lesson which is maths, ughhhhh

I slump on my chair just wanting to sleep. I slowly shut my eyes letting darkness swallow me.

All of a sudden I get woken up by a bang. I look up to see that Leo slammed the door open and was looking directly at me. He looked mad.

He sits next to me. However, he doesn't say a word he just stares at me. Drilling lasers in my head.

Mr Brandy finally walks in 10 mins late. And starts teaching us some math stuff.

I can't help but not concentrate knowing that Leo's is still watching me.

'Miss Robinson can you tell me the answer for number 4?' My Brandy calls out.

I freak I wasn't listening the whole lesson I have no idea what there even talking about.

'Uhhhh' I start to twiddle on my thumbs keeping my head down I was so embarrassed.

But then, I hear someone whisper in my ear

'674' I look up and say it surprised my Brandy sits back on his chair smirking at me. I felt so uncomfortable.

I turn around to see who had said that to me. And I see Leo with a grin on his face. I would die for his smile. Omg what am I saying I'm acting like a obsessed psycho.

Thank god, class ends shortly after that incident.

As I walk down the corridor I hear someone.

'Awww did u need mr bad boy to help u with a math question, hahahah'

I turn around to see Tiffany and her 'besties' giggling. I use commas because all of them are fake. I hear ty talk behind each other backs all the time in the school toilets.

I decided to ignore them and keep walking.

'Hey, don't walk away from me you little sl*t' she grits through her teeth pushing me against the lockers.

I was terrified the girls have said mean things before but never physically touched me.

I panic and try to escape her hold but all the gist are holding me down.

She covers my mouth and nose with her hand I couldn't breath.

I struggle to keep my eyes open.

Then all of a sudden, Leo is throwing Tiffany of her and is hugging me. ME

I stand there awkwardly for a while, I feel him pull aways so I quickly hug him back.

He stood there for around half a minute, until Tiffany decides to interrupt.

'What is this?' She shrieks

'Omg get of him the poor guys he doesn't want to hug a h*e like u'

'Don't you dare talk to her like that!' Leo shouts.

I am shocked, why would he say that does he really think I'm not a h*e

'Stephe is so innocent she could never be a h*e like you'

Tiffany gasps and runs away embarrassed

'Thank you, again' I say.

'I don't know what I would do with our you' I mumble

'Me either princess' he mumble under his breath

'What did u say?' I question him

'Nothing' he says trying to mask the fact he just said he likes hanging out with me.

I smile goes on my face, oh no I have fallen for him. A lot.

'Come on princess let's go to next lesson'

We walk into next lesson HAND IN HAND

Isn't that what couples do? Are we a couple? Does he even like me like that?

Probably not he's so attractive he could get any girl he wants. Why would he go for me.

But then why are we holding hands?

A hole wave of confusion clouds my mind. He pulls a seat for me and we sit down together.

During lesson I remember that he was mad at me earlier today.

I after a couple of minutes I finally gain the courage to ask him.

'Uhhh l-Leo why were u m-mad at me e-earlier'
I stuttered, I stutter when I'm never out if you haven't figured it out already.

'I will talk about it too you later ok?'

'Fineeee' I say

'Can you at least tell me what it's about?' I question him

'Do you really wanna know dal?'

I nod my head slowly worried about what he will say

'Words' he whispers quietly in my ear


'Well it's about what happened last night' he said

Oh no, he was going to talk about the bruise. Think, think

'Oh do u mean the bruise incident u see me and ray were messing around doing a role play type thing. Anyway, she was supposed to fake slap me but slapped me for real! Isn't that funny' I try my hardest to chuckle

'Princess u want the truth' he says slowly while leaving down to my level

'Was it your dad?'

I stood there how did he know that my he a wizard a psychic?

I drop my head down and panic, I can't lie in front of him.

'Look at me baby girl' he says harshly

I slowly look up and meet with his gorgeous green hazel eyes.

'Now tell me the truth, was it your dad?' He repeats slowly I could feel the anger thought his voice.

'Yes' I whisper quietly

'Pardon, I didn't hear you'

A wave of frustration hits me

'Yes!' I say suddenly

I look up to see his calm face turn angry

Oh no what have I done


Words- 1005

Omg I can't be I've I haven't posted in over a week 💀
I am so sorry I aim to post once or twice a week now

All my love - author

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