A/n Welcome to the story

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A/n: Hi, i'm Megan and this is my first ever facfiction I've written. So if you see any mistakes or you would like any changes, please put it in the comments and tell me, thank you.

Character analysis: you are Ron's twin sister, a Gryffindor fourth year and you are best friends with the golden trio.

Quick notes:

Y/n - Your name

H/c - Your hair colour

E/c - Your eye colour

Y/n/n - Your nickname

F/c - Your favorite colour

Oh and by the way people at hogwarts listen to muggle music and everyone has phones (even though it's the 90s. I'm sorry I'm currently rewriting so they use actual 90s tech and magic rather than phones but it might take a while)

Also, I really love reading your comments on my story. You guys are so funny.

Okay, lets get on with the story........

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