(一) Karasuno's Volleyball Club

Start from the beginning

"Many schools have the same dream" Kageyama points out.

"I meant what I said, Kageyama" Daichi replies, intimidating Kageyama.

Daichi confronts the first-years' behaviour. For that to happen, Daichi needs a unified team that won't be bothered by the vice-principal again.

"I don't need you two to be friends, but now that you two are on the same side of the net, you are allies"

No matter how strong they are, if they can't get along and end up hindering their teammates, they're not wanted. He then pushes the two, along with their application papers, out of the gym. Until they realize they're teammates, they won't be participating in this club. He then closes the door on them.
The duo tries begging to be let back in but can't keep themselves from fighting.

"Fine, I'll get along with him" Kageyama knocks Hinata out of the way.

"Are you sure?" Daichi opens the door a tiny bit.

"I would rather receive, spike and toss all by myself than cooperate with Hinata in a match" an unnerved, Kageyama ends up telling the truth. Daichi laughs at his honesty and points out how in volleyball, one player can't touch the ball twice.

The duo doesn't give up though and continues camping out outside the gym.

"I'll challenge the upperclassmen to a 2-on-2! If we win you'll let us into the club" then Kageyama adds "Just do your best and try not to get in my way, Hinata"

Hinata exclaims that he wants to stand on the court again because of the feeling it gives him, reminding Kageyama of his defeat last year at the end of the tournament.

"If we lose, we'll endure any punishments"

Daichi reveals that there are three other first years and changes the game to a 3-on-3 against them with him on Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's team and (L/N) on the duo's team.

"But if she doesn't arrive here soon, Tanaka will be on your team"

If Hinata, (L/N) Kageyama lose, as long as the third years are still here, Kageyama will never get to play setter.

"Kageyama's good enough to become a regular anyway and spikers are cooler than setters!" Hinata remarks as Kageyama's raging and he grabs him and yells:


Kageyama thinks about what Daichi said and plans to only send tosses to Tanaka because Hinata's too unreliable.

As they're arguing, Tanaka discreetly lets them know from inside the gym what time the gym would be empty. The duo agrees to come in at 5 am the next day, only to find the gym locked. As they're trying to get in, Tanaka arrives and opens the door for them, as long as they call him "senpai". As Tanaka walks in, he thinks of what Daichi told him about the duo and how they could bring out each other's strengths. If those two could work together, Karasuno will evolve explosively. However, at the moment the two need to work on their relationship first. Kageyama and Hinata are practicing in the gym, but Hinata can't receive Kageyama's spikes. As they're arguing about it, Sugawara enters the gym.

"I already knew Tanaka was secretly helping you two due to his weird behavior the night before"

However, he decides to keep the training from Daichi and even helps Hinata with his receives. Hinata isn't satisfied with Sugawara though and persistently asks Kageyama to toss to him.

"I will only toss to whoever I think is essential to winning" Kageyama replies, obviously thinking Hinata's not that person

Hinata practises his receives with Sugawara. Later on during the day, Hinata and Sugawara are practicing outside.

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