Shoto Vs Shouto

581 20 15

I actually don't know why I felt the need to put this in here but I did.

I have heard so many people bitch at others about the way Shoto Todoroki's name is spelt.

Do you guys actually have nothing better to do with your time.

Do you guys actually have nothing better to do with your time

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There is also Bakugo and Bakugou.

Like brooo, I actually don't care!

I know what the author meant so why is it such a fucking drama.

But if your one of those people who spell it wrong but bitch at others who spell it right because you think they are wrong...

But if your one of those people who spell it wrong but bitch at others who spell it right because you think they are wrong

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Because I will end this debate here on this little section of Wattpad.

Because I will end this debate here on this little section of Wattpad

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This is from the Manga, so this is how it is originally spelt.

Shoto is correct!

Shouto is wrong.


Well shit, I guess it really doesn't matter

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Well shit, I guess it really doesn't matter.

Huh, well...

End of story!

If I hear another bitch @me because I used Shoto instead of Shouto I will slap a bitch..

Because it turns out that both are right.

So for the pocky people of Wattpad.

Like just...

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I need to RantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora