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I can't

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I can't... I just can't.

Yo can I ask you guys something... when you guys write fanfics do you ever actually read the stuff you write?

I'm curious.

Why do so many Naruto fanfics have an 11 tailed wolf. A 12 tailed dragon, a 70 tailed unicorn!


You realise the more tails you add the more beast you have to have to fill in the gap, there also needs to be the final tailed beast that is summoned by Obito and Madara...

Especially since about 99% of these stories follow the plot.

I don't get it.

"I have an 11 tailed wolf, it's stronger than the 10 tails and I can do the Rasengan and Chidori, I also have the Renisharigan, and am a descendant of the mother of Chakra Kaguya herself."

Read that shit and tell me what is wrong with it

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Read that shit and tell me what is wrong with it.


If you have an 11 tailed wolf that is stronger than the 10 tails then the Akatuski is 100% coming after your ass.

They would also target you little Mary sue ass when your a child so that you wouldn't have the chance to grow up and learn all these op abilities.

ALSO! Every Ninja ever! Will be after your eyes.

If you have the Rennigan, the Byakugan and Sharingan in one, people will come after your ass!!

AGAIN! When your a child so that you won't be able to use them at their full power!

And for you people that do write that they are a descendant of Kaguya or her reincarnated...


Can someone please be original, or at least better than this

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Can someone please be original, or at least better than this.

Do a crossover and drop an op person from another anime into Naruto and see how they would fair.

Make your own character that doesn't have a traumatised passed!

Heck make a story that completely steers away from the main plot.


This goes ESPECIALLY for the stories where characters time travel.

Like you have Sasuke time travel and suddenly he acts like a crack head on every drug possible on sugar high...

Like you have Sasuke time travel and suddenly he acts like a crack head on every drug possible on sugar high

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Itachi is not amused.

Also unless it's stated to be a crack fic... please stop making the Akatsuki act like party animals.

Look at Itachi's face and tell me if he looks like someone to whine over some KID stealing his Dangos..

He looks like someone who would lock your ass in the Tsukoyomi before he even asked what your name was

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He looks like someone who would lock your ass in the Tsukoyomi before he even asked what your name was.


"But he's so nice to Sasuke"....

Yes... to Sasuke.

Are you Sasuke?... no??

Then this doesn't apply to you.

Last thing! Meeting Minato during the 3rd Shinobi war and having him take your Oc to see Hiruzen is the dumbest shit I've ever read.

I'm sorry, really I am, but to everyone but the leaf, Minato was known as a flee on sight.


You think your Isekai ass is gonna convince a Flee on sight.

You think your Isekai ass is gonna convince a Flee on sight

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