"What makes you say that?"

Harry asked very intrigued

"Well, first of all, she cares more about school and studying than you two and second she stood up to Draco and I would love to see that again

And I started laughing so bad just thinking about it, then Ron said

"Yeah, that would be awesome to see, and if I do my life will be officially complete"

Harry nodded in agreement, then he added

"Well with Draco always looking for a problem it will happen more than one more time"

I started thinking about how many time that might be, then I said

"Yeah, your right Harry. I'm tired from all that searching, good night. I'm going to bed"

"Good night Mione"

They both said that I went up to my dorm and fell asleep

Charlotte's perspective

I knew Audrie forgave me for what happened yesterday, but I saw her a little bothered, I don't know if it's for me or something else. I was also very surprised when I saw her with someone else, but no surprise that she can't make friends without me, but I don't know I'm happy as well.

After breakfast I saw her walking to class with Hermione, it looked like they were talking about something important so I didn't interrupt their conversation, then after class, I could finally catch her alone, then I said

"Hey, Audrie!"


"Long time, no see!"

I said in a funny voice, she laughed and then said

"Yeah, sorry about that..... I've just been busy"

"With what?"

"Um... school stuff"


"Oh, before I forget, I didn't send you an owl yesterday about Luna's response because I forgot to ask her earlier, but she said yes"

"That's awesome, when are you two hanging out? To join"

"Today after class, in the courtyard. but first I need to talk to you about something else"

She sounded a little bit serious so I needed to ask

"Why? What happened?"

"So... Luna overheard a girl named Pansy Parkinson a friend of Malfoy's saying that she was going to do something to me for talking back to Malfoy"

"Oh, bloody hell!... I heard she is one of Draco Malfoy's best friends"

"Really?! What in awful taste in friends"

We both laughed, then she said

"Luna says I need to be a little worried, and keep my eyes peeled for anything"

"You better.... but, do you know what she looks like?"

"Actually... I have no idea"

We both laughed again, then I said

"Well good thing you have me, and your new friends that I think will know how she looks like"

"Yeah. Hey! I need to introduce you to them! Come on!"


Audrie's perspective

I knew where Hermione, Ron, and Harry were so I just grabbed Charlotte's hand and ran there, when we got there we took a moment to breathe again, then I said

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