Chapter #4 M.M

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"Now repeat after me Ridikulus"

Audrie's perspective

After a few days of hard studying for exams, we could finally rest for a bit. I and Hermione had been carrying tons of books all around the school for research, we are not giving up on finding information about Sirius Black, while I was reading a book about Azkaban's prisoners I finally found something useful

"Hermione! Hermione! I found something!"

"Really?! What?"

"Ok, here it says ' Sirius Black a crazy murderer, has been sentenced to a life in Azkaban after knowing that he was a loyal follower of You-know-who and known to have told were has that Potter's family hiding stop to You-know-how to kill them' Oh, and it ays one more thing ' Sirius Black before being imprisoned to Azkaban, was seen talking to a young man named Myles Moon'..... "

I stayed quiet for a bit while I was processing what I just read, so was Hermione. Then trying to boost the mood she said

"Well..... At least we found something... Know we need to go tell Harry and Ron"

"Yeah... Good idea"

We ran to the courtyard with the book in hand, then Ron said

"Hey, why are you running around with that gigantic book in hand?"

"Well Ronald, in this 'gigantic book' has some useful information about Sirius Black"

Harry and Ron stood there for a second. Then Harry asked

"What?! What does it say?!"

I opened the book and showed them the line that I read to Hermione at the library

"Well, it says here that Sirius Black was sentenced to life in Azkaban for being one of Voldemort's followers and telling him where your parents lived. And that before he was sent to Azkaban he was seen with my brother"

"Bloody Hell, so he is very dangerous. I think we should hide and wait for the Ministry to catch him"

"No Ron, we need to find him first so we can kill him for what he did to my parents!"

"Harry, we can't do that"

"And why not Audrie?!"

"Because then it won't make us any better than him, we will be murderers. I say we need to find my brother because he is connected to Sirius, what do you think?"

They all looked at each other a little convinced with the plan, then Hermione said

"I think it's an excellent plan, and besides if we find her brother we don't need to go meet some killer"

"Ok, fine. But if we find Sirius I want answers"

Harry said, and Ron nodded in agreement to the plan

"Ok, so I know my brother and has always loved riddles, and somehow I know he wants me to find him, I can feel it"

"That excellent but where do we even start looking? I mean, the first clue can be anywhere"

What Hermione said was true, it could be anywhere. But I think I know how to start looking.

"Guys I know! My brother always marks his things with 'M.M.' So I think, I know two places to look first: The Ravenclaw common room and his room at our old house here in London"

"That's really helpful, but there's one catch...."

Hermione didn't finish the sentence so Harry asked

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