Chapter #19 Secret Santa

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"Stars Remember, you are my favorite Char my favorite star"

Audrie's perspective

Draco caught up to me and said

"Hey, I heard that uh... conversation"

"Great, I'm fine"

"Good, I know you're lying"


"You lower your tone when you lie"


"You just did it"

"Wait. How do you even know that?"

I wanted to know how does he know so much about me. He was trying not to ask too much or it would damage the calm terms we have. I still hate him though.


Harry's perspective

The Astronomy Tower; the tallest tower in Hogwarts silent if you are the only one there. It was nice, calm. Charlotte was sitting there like if it wasn't cold or anything. I could tell I interrupted her since she looked at me and said

"Hello Harry" 

"Hi, so... How are you doing?" 



"You know people think just because you are wealthy, you're always happy"

She launched that sentence as if she had been thinking of it for a while,

"Well, I never thought of you as a person with problems. Sorry if that offends you"

"It's fine... I'm good pretending"

"So your dad..."

"Yeah he is not awesome"

"Well, you are lucky to have parents I don't have any"

"Yeah everyone here knows your story I'm sorry for your loss"

"I just wished I-, forget it" 

"Tell me, I won't make a face"

"I just wished I had spent more time with them"

"You have all the right to feel like that, but don't let go up to your head because she saved you didn't she?"

She pointed at my scar and then I realized...Charlotte and I are so close that I feel comfortable with her that we can even talk about scars, not-so-good dad, and dead parents. After a while it was almost dinner time, so we went down to the Great Hall, where she sat at the Hufflepuff table and I sat with Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

Hermione's perspective

It was weird how Charlotte reacted earlier, but I don't know much of what happened so I can't say much, the plan worked perfectly we got in, found a clue, and got out. Also, Charlotte kicked some butts in there, that was very impressive. Right after Audrie, Charlotte and Harry left, Ron and I were at the Gryffindor common room.

"Do you think Charlotte is ok?"

"Positive, didn't you see that Audrie went after her and Harry is likely with her, I bet she is fine so relax Mione"

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