Chapter #20 Chess and fainting

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"I insist on a rematch"

Ron's perspective 

Harry, I and sleepy Charlotte on a Great Hall table isn't sunshine and rainbows, believe me. Harry and I did our best to babysit Charlotte and make sure she doesn't do any craziness. Last time it was Hermione and Audrie's turn so now it's ours. 

Now you might be asking, why? Well, Charlotte has to go somewhere in 30 minutes and she can't afford to miss this. Audrie didn't say what was it, she just said

"She can't miss it! She'll- I don't have to explain herself to you guys just take care of her and I'll pick her up, oh and DON'T MESS UP! Bye."

So if we mess up we'll get more than just a death stare from Audrie...YAY.

I want to know what's so important that WE have to babysit a thirteen-year-old girl. Well, I think she is thirteen, I'm going to ask later.

"Why do we need to babysit Charlotte?"

"Audrie already told us, that she has something important and she can't miss it"

"You are happy because you like her!"

I screamed whispered because I didn't want Charlotte to hear.

"SHHHH! She is right there!"

He whispered screamed at me. I don't really know what's gotten into Charlotte, she has been a Little gloomy all day, I don't know if it has something to do with the thing she has to do later. It's really gotten me curious what's so important she doesn't miss. If I'm being honest, I don't want her to miss it, because then it will be our fault and I'm kinda afraid of mad Audrie, she is as scary as Hermione.

"And I told you that because I thought you would keep it to yourself RON!"

"You actually didn't tell us, just confirmed"

"Whatever, just don't say it out loud"

"What are you guys talking about?"

Said Charlotte, who we thought was asleep.


Said Harry, can't he act less obvious?

"Ok... Well I'm going to the greenhouse, see ya"

"No, you can't. Audrie told us you need to stay here because she will come looking for you in 30 minutes and said you NEEDED to stay here" I said...I don't want to be killed in silence.

"Well, I'm not scared of her"

"No, but we are. And if you leave, I don't even want to think of what she'll do" Harry said

"Are you seriously that afraid of her?"

She said like she is falling down. I expect a gloomy moment, she has them every 10 minutes she feels woken up but then she falls. Harry and I exchanged


"She is Kuku"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

"She can act all though but real deep deep deep DEEP she is kind of nice"

"You are lying"


"Audrie said to-"

Charlotte shut Harry up and said

"Shhhhhhhhh, they can hear you"



Charlotte fell down and went to sleep. I rolled my eyes and Harry hit me  

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