Chapter #3 Reconecting

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"Common sense, besides I know you"

Audrie's perspective

Hermione and I spend hours in the library reading and looking around to see if we could find something about Sirius Black. Well, we also studied a little, but found nothing useful, the only thing about Sirius was that he knew the Potter family.

Soon after, it was late so we both said our goodbyes and went to each one's common room, I saw Luna there, with a cat, I seriously don't know how she has so many pets, but anyways, I sat next to her and asked

"Hey Luna, you look down, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

She said it with a really low voice, I knew something was wrong. But I didn't want to push her into telling me.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, but can you tell me what's wrong?"

"It's just that I'm really worried, you know about the Sirius Black problem, and everybody seems so calm about it. But I'm not, it makes me wonder if he will actually kill Harry, and I don't want that to happen"

"Luna... no one wants that to happen, Harry will be alright, and if that Sirius Black comes to kill him we will be there. Don't worry"

"Ok, if you say so. Now today I heard something really weird from a Slytherin"


"It was in potion class, Pansy Parkinson and Draco were talking and I heard that she is going to do something to you for talking back to Draco"

"And that's supposed to worry me?"

"A little bit, she is as mean as Draco"

"Well if she has a problem, then I'll defend myself the way I did with Draco. And I think it went really well with him"

We both started laughing a lot, then she added

"Well I know you are confident, but just keep an eye out for anything"

"Fine I promise I will be on the lookout"

"Excellent, know I heard from Hermione what happened with your friend, so are you two good?"

"I think we are"

"I think?"

"Yeah, it's just that she is always with someone new and I'm always depending on her to hang out with someone so..."

"I understand, but you have me and now Hermione, Ron, and Harry too. You don't need to be alone, so I suggest to go and be best friends again with Charlotte and we can all hang out together"

"Yeah, your right. As always. Oh! And Charlotte wanted to see if she could hang out with us tomorrow, cause today I forgot to ask earlier"

"Sure, she seems nice, tell her tomorrow after class in the courtyard"

"Ok, Luna I'm going to be. Good night"

"Good night"

Hermione's perspective

After I got to the common room from the library I shouted to Ron and Harry

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

"Nothing about what?"

Asked Ron. I showed him an irritated look than said

"About Sirius Black"

"It's ok Mione, we just need more time for research, that all"

Harry said, in a comforting way

"Yeah your right, Audrie is really nice and seems to care about school and stuff "

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