Chapter 2 New path, new Izuku

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One year later

Izuku POV

Ever since I was declared quirkless my mom has been distancing herself from me. She wasn't the loving and caring mother I once knew. She was aggressive, abusive and all in all a horrible mother.
I'll never forget what happened when we got home from the quirk doctor....

That day

Nothing was said during the cat ride home. Once we arrived mom got out of the car, went to my door and simply said "Get out!".

I was scared, she never once raised her voice, never. She then pulled me to our house and closed the door behind her. Mom squeezed my arm so hard it began to hurt like hell. But I wasn't prepared for what was coming next.

She then began to cry and scream at the top of her lungs.

I took this chance to run upstairs to my room and lock the door behind me. I even put a chair under the doorknob to lock it up even more.
I was only a crying mess at this point. There i was, sobbing, screaming and hiding under my bed. My own mother, the person I loved the most in the world. The one i thought i could always lean on and help me up whenever I get down. It couldn't be more different now. But I know one person, who would help me.

The next day at the playground

I'm searching for Kacchan, my best friend in the world. He's got such a strong quirk and always had my back whenever I got into any problems. He was the best friend someone could ever ask for.
"Izukuuuuu" i heard from behind me, I quickly turned around to see Kacchan running towards me waving his hand at me.

Katsuki POV

Izuku called me earlier that day and said he needed to talk to me. Maybe he was having problems at school with some idiots, which our school has lots of.
Anyway, after searching for him for a few minutes, i finally found him and ran towards him. When I got to him I saw he wasn't the happy innocent Izuku I know. Something must have happened. I swear to god, if someone hurt my best friend, I'll make him/her pay.
"Izuku, are you okay? You look like you've been through hell."
He then said: "Well, you're not wrong about that, I guess you could call it hell...Kacchan I need to tell you something... I'm quirkless"
'Please don't say it, please don't say it' "But I still wanna be a hero, I don't care what anyone says. I can make it if I only work hard enough"

I don't care if he's quirkless or not, he's still my best friend...but I can't let him become a hero. I don't want him to get hurt. I know he wouldn't listen to me...I guess you give me any other choice. I'm sorry Izuku, hopefully you'll understand my reasons someday and forgive me, but it has to be done, for your own safety...
"HAHAHAHA I knew you wouldn't get a quirk. Why should someone so pathetic and week even get the chance go become a hero, you fucking nerd?"
Teers formed in his eyes as he screamed "NOT ONLY MOM, BUT YOU TOO? WHY CAN'T ANYONE ACCEPT ME WITHOUT HAVING A QUIRK? WHY ME, WHY ME?" He instantly ran away, as fast as he could, god knows where he went.
My own words made me sick, I felt disgusted by myself, but I knew i had done the right thing. I needed to protect him at all costs. Even if that means sacrificing our friendship. I'm sorry my friend. Someday you might understand all this.

Izuku POV

I ran as fast as I could, didn't care where I ran off to. No one would search for me anyway. Once I stopped sobbing I looked around me. I was pretty far away from home. Probably an hour of walking away. Luckily I knew in which direction I had to go. I put my head down, I was just tired of my life here. My best friend didn't want anything to do with me and even my own mother thinks of me as a mistake she shouldn't have raised.
I was broken out of my thoughts, as I crashed head first into a street light and landed on my butt. 'Ouch' i thought to myself. I noticed a flyer, that was once attached to the metall, slowly sliding onto the hard concrete. It said "Military Boot Camp for children aged 5-6. 8 weeks of fun and discipline. Everything a child needs".
'Sounds like a lot of fun' I thought to myself after reading through everything. It would be held in 8 months outside of the city. I knew my dad was in the military, so maybe that's where I belong. With others, who suffer from similar fates.
Sargent Midoriya.... doesn't sound too bad

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