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a/n:  sorry for not updating like at all for a while but i'm back ( maybe ) with angst ideas so woo ! granted i don't think people still read this-

1305 words (minus a/n)


curly mocha locks blew in the cold air, each step they bounced just a tad. wilbur wasn't having the greatest day but when did he? it was the point where a shitty day was average and if he got injured then it was just slightly annoying. the cold breeze was gently but rough on his porcelain skin, cheeks and ears flushed pink from the lack of warmth. warmth was a weird feeling honestly, you gained it from being inside most times didn't you? even then you could open the window and the cold air would follow you once more. will spent most of his time outside at night, walking around with a pocket knife and pepper spray that his friend gave him a while back.

he always found himself at a park. didn't matter where the park was or how abandoned it looked, it just needed to be a park he could stand in. a tired breath escaped his lips, it was seen by the cold air then soon vanished to be forgotten. he stole another breath and sat down on a bench where no bus would ever go to and where it seemed like no one would walk by. he didn't like people much anymore, yeah he was naturally extroverted but after more recent events his want for a social life slowly faded.

it wasn't vienna's fault she grew tired of him. it was his fault for being so.. boring. she was a nice person that stayed longer than needed. it really wasn't her fault, she decided she wanted to leave and experience romance once again with someone who wasn't him. the breakup was simple, she disappeared one day and never replied nor answered his calls. then one day she appeared at his door to explain everything, they shared one last hug while she spoke with poisoned words. wilbur couldn't help but cry and the pitiful plead for her to stay was on the tip of his tongue, however he never said a word durning their last interaction. so she left and moved to somewhere much better. it'd been probably weeks since the break up or perhaps a month? he wasn't quite sure. time was confusing when you lost any will to focus on it.

there was rain drizzling from the sky. the raindrops lightly hit his mocha locks, the smell of coconut drowning in the rainy scent. rain smelt nice in the brunet's opinion. it was a pleasing smell that came from a pleasing thing. it was almost therapeutically honestly. rain drops touched exposed skin like the water was giving him peppermint kisses. the clouds that drizzled out rain always seemed to know just the right way to calm wilbur, it was strange because clouds don't have minds so they couldn't know how but funnily enough the clouds might as well have brains because they're doing a better job at helping wilbur than his old therapist.

salt. salt?

where did salt come from— shit.

wilbur could feel something wet at his lips, something salty. tears. bloody hell he's crying. it wasn't noticeable in the slightest thought, rain drops hitting his face blended with the salty tears as they escaped honey eyes. crying was a usual thing for wilbur honestly but it didn't mean he enjoyed every single crying session. sometimes you just needed to cry and it seemed wilbur needed to at this very moment even if he hadn't realised it at first.

the rain washed away the persona he had created to keep his friends calm, the rain left him in the state his friends remembered from the day vienna left him. she was like a loose thread in his mental state, pulling the loose thread made a mess of things and eventually you just got a messed up item. you could blame vienna for how he is now but he simply couldn't. it wasn't her fault that leaving would cause a broken man to crumble. it was simply the way he depended on her rather than the actual girl's fault.

as more sniffles and choked out sobs came out of wilbur he slowly realised he honestly couldn't make himself move. it was like he was glued to the bench by the lack of motivation to do so. it was a simply task but he couldn't be bothered. niki. he needed to call niki. watery eyes seemed to leave him blind, he just hoped he put in the right number for his pink haired friend. honestly it would've been easier to just press niki's contact name instead but it was too late and the phone rang, awaiting an answer.

the phone keep ringing for a minute, wilbur almost considered calling someone else like shelby or even grian but then the ringing stopped and the brunet could hear shuffling from the other end.

"hello?" an unfamiliar yet familiar voice with an american accent said. from the moment wilbur heard the other person speak he realised that it quite obviously wasn't niki.

"sorry— i uh— wrong number sorry" wilbur played with the hem of his jumper like it could distract him from the embarrassment of speaking to a somewhat stranger while his eyes were leaking like a river without a dam.

the other end went silent, as if they were surprised by the voice they heard or if they were just trying to come up words to say while listening to quiet sniffles.

"will you please reconsider?" the voice sounded different, like there was a smile behind it and it sounded like they attempted a british accent but failed. wilbur cringed at the american's attempt.

"..what does that even mean"

a quiet chuckle came the other person. it was sorta weird to wilbur that this person seemed to be in a completely opposite mood to his own, granted the other person sounded out of it in way.

"will it's me, clay, y'know the guy who works at the coffee shop you visit oh so often?" wilbur could hear the shit eating grin form clay's voice alone.

the hem of his jumper was suddenly not interesting enough for a distraction. wilbur silently cursed at this fact.

"wait clay?" he paused before stuttering out something along the lines of "it's wilbur but will's fine too but just know it's wilbur— wilbur soot"

the blond man hummed what sounded to be 'wilbur' joyfully before speaking up again. "you've got a pretty name wilbur"

without thinking he quickly responded with "thanks i picked it myself"

he hadn't realised what he said until clay starting laughing at his words. now the hem of his jumper was interesting again. wilbur silently stared at every water droplet that fell onto his jumper and slid down till it hit the pavement.

" good- good choice"

they both ended up going silent before clay hummed again, this time there was no rhythm of a name or a rhythm at all, it was simply a hum.

"you were crying weren't you, wilbur?"

frankly will had forgotten he was crying but the moment it was pointed out he could feel even more tears run down his face, suddenly becoming aware of the difference between the way rain felt compared to his tears. the rain was cold, quick and light while his tears were warm, slow and something that dragged on.

"no— i mean— it's obvious.." he answered in defeat, yes he called because he was crying but this wasn't the person he expected.

again clay laughed but this time it was quiet and comforting somehow.

"what's wrong?"

"it's uh— i'm not quite comfortable sharing it" it's just a breakup that's got him in the dumps but this stranger didn't need to know will's pathetic reason.

"then we can just talk until you're in a better mood, only if you want to of course!"

"i'd like that.."

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