🪓🧨🗡 What it Takes to be A... Part 2:Bad End 🔳🔹🕯

Start from the beginning

The Mirror Shattered in-front of me, I quickly took the clock away.... I put in my pocket and looked back at the mirror. it was hard to look at, not because of the cracks, my face...my own reflection made it harder..... the face started to distort.....flesh and blood dripping....to form his face ...."Cycloc-" I quickly ran out before he could finish. I held back my head and exhaled, I didn't want to deal with this. 

 I decided to go outside for some fresh air, so I did... I started to walk towards the path way of the outside garden and into the yard. The underworld was nice and peaceful for the most part in the morning, it was a nice walk....till I passed by the cemetery...Domino wasn't the only Bad end member we had lost over the years. I.....I don't exactly....remember much from this moment....but next thing you know I'm walking in the cemetery....I look up on a hill with a tree.....Domino's grave lies there.....but there was, someone there. I decided to go and walk over and once I reached there, to my surprise...Morty was there, he was sitting down facing his grave full of flowers, he was very quiet. "Ummm Morty?" I asked which seems to have startled him as he immediately turned around to me and stand up "the hell do you want bitch?" He was clearly pissed "jeez I know we aren't in the best terms but I was just asking if you ok-" "I'm fine...I'm fucking fine....just....." he looked back at Domino's grave...his angry expression changed to sad before changing back "fuck off" he purposely bumped into me and walked of, pulling out a cigarette and smoked. 

I rolled my eye as he left and looked back at Domino's grave, I haven't been here in such a long time. I took a deep breath "....Hey...Domino....Dominic....whatever it is....I know you can probably hear me since your here now....haunting me for some reason...." I said as I stared at the grave. ".....You know....I never really got to thank you for saving my...all of our lives 2 years ago...you didn't have to but..I mean with out you we...well I don't know what would have happened but I guess I'm just thankful.....you know...you might disagree but.....you have shown me a lot about what being a bad end is...." I said "....a bad end a person who has made a terrible choice or something bad happened to them and now they can't turn back and now live as the monsters they've become......at least that's what people think we are" I took a deep breath and sat down. I smiled just a little "A Bad End...it can mean many things.....friends...family....a chaotic team.... Mischievous killers....anything, but my take on it? Well....I see as broken people trying to find there place back in the multiverse.... A new place.... Fate, while it seemed horrible, has now given them a chance of a dangerous new, and maybe even fun, life to start... new people to meat like you.....a new home....anything....." I looked up at the grave, it was just silent. I started at it for a while and snapped back into reality "well....obviously Fate will do horrible things to us to...make us regret past decisions....but Fate can be whatever we want it to be....." 

"only we could make it our own...."

 I stood up from the grass and said "...well I think I should probably get going now since I some you know, stuff to do ....it's nice seeing you...not creeping me out....umm bye I guess?" I silently waved and walked away, it was a conversation I probably needed to have....short but...good. 

I walked by the halls stressed out on what we have to do to day, missions, tasks, training, ect. As I walked by I noticed a tiny robot like Gir riding Gamer's Bunny Cinnamon roll. I was confused and picked it up "hmmm what are you doing here little guy?" I asked and of course, the robot started talking "bear please let me go! I have to go and save my Master! You don't want to stop me from saving them do you?" They said. I laughed a little "oh well who may you and this master of yours be?" I asked "I'm Robby! And my master is Gamer, who which Im there Servant" I didn't know Gamer made a robot or something so this was new. "Oh and what does Gamer need saving of?" I asked.....I wasn't expecting the next news I was getting "some mean bear kidnapped My Master! And I'm trying to go after them and save them!" ....I froze for a second....Gamer...got kidnapped? .....and I'm hearing about this till now!? ..... but a better question I had is.... 

Who kidnapped Gamer? 

Who kidnapped Gamer? 

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