Chapter 12- CoS

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Harry comes to another passageway to the right he beckons Ron and Lockhart to follow him. "This way." The three walk into a cavern-like room with a massive and lengthy snakeskin on the floor.

"What's this?" Ron asks as they walk along snakeskin.

"It looks like a... snake."

"It's snakeskin," Harry says examining it.

"Bloody hell. Whatever shed this must be sixty feet long. Or more," Ron says. Lockhart faints, most likely from fear. " Heart of a lion, this one," Ron says sarcastically as Harry turns his attention towards

Lockhart suddenly grabs Ron's wand and getting to his feet while breathing wickedly and pointing the wand at Harry. "The adventure ends here, boys. But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl, how you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So... you first, Mr Potter. Say good-bye to your memories." He waves the wand wildly as he shouts "Obliviate!"

The wand emits green light, causing Lockhart to fly backwards, slamming into the wall, then falling to the floor. A couple of seconds later, a rumbling begins, then rocks begin to fall from the ceiling; Harry takes cover as huge rocks go flying over him while Ron backs up against the wall as the rocks form a massive pile.

Ron coughs from the dust produced by the rocks. "Harry!" Harry pulls his robe free from one of the rocks. "Harry!" Harry runs to an opening in the big pile of rocks separating him from Ron.

"Ron! Ron, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Ron responds.

Lockhart groans and sits up. "Hello. Who are you?"

"Um... Ron Weasley."

"Really? And, uh... who-who am I?" Lockhart asks.

Ron realizes Lockhart has erased his memory accidentally he turns toward Harry again. "Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is!"

Lockhart picks up a small rock as Harry watches through the opening. "It's an odd sort of place this is, isn't it?" He tosses the rock in his hand then glances at Ron "Do you live here?"

Ron takes the rock from Lockhart. "No."

"Really?" Ron smacks Lockhart on the back of the head with the rock, knocking him out; Harry winks slightly.

Ron glances at Harry through the opening again. "What do I do now?"

"You wait here, and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. I'll go on and find Madison."


Harry draws his wand as he steps onto the floor again and walks forward. Up ahead, he sees a circular door with seven snake-shaped locks on it and steps towards it.

"Hesha- Hassah. (Open.)"

An eighth snake slithers out from the door's mechanical hinge, and slithers along the door's edge, causing the other seven snakes to retract one by one. As the snake slithers back into the hinge, the door slowly opens. Harry steps forward; on the other side is the Chamber of Secrets. Harry cautiously steps through the door, into the Chamber, towards the ladder in the doorway.

To be continued...

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