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We're gaining on you fast now. More and more I can see evidence of your journey. Moment by moment your tracks become fresher. I can see the light tread of your shoes. I can see the heavier footprints of the monster's feet. Every so often we discover the remains of the animals and vegetation you've eaten.

And, of course, we find more and more evidence of what you're doing together. No. Of what the monster's doing to you. Every time I come across more proof of the monster's evils, my heart thrashes in my chest, I grit my teeth until my jaw aches, I get that sinking feeling in my stomach that makes me pop my knuckles and punch the nearest tree.

But it's not all a lost cause—you're slowing down. The monster's carnal pleasure will be its undoing. Every moment it wastes with you, is a moment we gain.

'Hurry up!' I snarl, waving my arm at my comrades. 'We're getting close.'

It won't be long before the sun sets and we'll have to stop for the night. The thought makes me bite my lip. To lose you again when you're just within reach—it's too much to bear.

Seven men had decided to join me on my 'hopeless' journey to find you, while the rest went home shaking their heads. They've angered me but they will not stop me, and when we get back home, I'll make sure the leaders know about their betrayal.

They will pay.

I'm tired, I'm thirsty, I'm hungry. My body aches. My clothes are ripped and torn. My comrades are much the same. But we haven't given up hope. Our guns are loaded and our courage is limitless.

Have no fear, my sweet damsel. We will save you.

We soon lose your tracks again as the monster takes flight. Despite the fact that its wound must steadily be improving, it is choosing to take to the skies less and less. It seems the monster is getting confident that it is safe, that we are no longer following it; or it thinks that it has successfully lost us in the maze that is this Godforsaken forest.

Like its carnal pleasure, its arrogance will be its undoing.

My comrades and I split up to search. It takes us a few hours but we soon find your tracks again. And these tracks are so fresh I can follow them without effort, like footprints in the snow.

I have you!

My heart thuds. Sweat is trickling down my spine. Though the canopy blocks out much of the burning light of the sun, the forest still manages to trap enough heat that my shirt clings to my armpits and my long hair plasters to my head and neck. I pause to turn to my men. Their eyes are bright as they watch me.

'Careful. We are close,' I say as I ready my weapon. After so many days carrying it, it feels as light as a feather in my hands. I've grown strong during this journey, both in mind and body. Stronger than I've ever been before.

As they watch me, my comrades ready their own weapons. They look as tired as I feel but I can see the same fire in their eyes.

'Don't hesitate,' I say. 'Do what you need to do. Remember, she could have been yours. She could have been your wife or sister or daughter.' I grit my teeth as I snarl, 'Make it pay.'

Then we charge through the trees.

It's not long before we slow down to a jog, then a walk, then to a creep. Your tracks are so fresh now I can almost smell the monster's sweat. It's a good thing because darkness is falling swiftly and soon I won't be able to find your tracks at all. There's the strong scent of urine as we come across a small puddle of it near a tree. As to whether it's yours or the monster's—I cannot tell.

Then I hear you.

I wave my men to stop and we all crouch to the ground. I can't see anything through the branches but the noises become clearer the further we creep towards you. At first I can't describe what the noises might mean—they sound almost wild, animalistic—but I soon realise. It turns my body hot. It makes my heart pound. It twists a knot so tightly in my belly I think I might be sick there on the spot.

But I contain myself and keep going. From behind, I can sense my comrades' disgust and shock too. This is not something any of us want to witness.

Finally, we get through the thickest of the branches—and I see.

I can see everything.

The monster's got you. It has you. Like a dog. Like a beast. You're both facing towards us: you on all fours, with the creature thrusting into you from behind. It's on his knees, its upper body outstretched to its fullest height, its hideous batwings outstretched to their fullest breadth. The sun has almost set now and the red of it shines against its talons and gleams in its eyes. It turns the leather of its wings bloody. It almost seems to blaze. It looks so heinous that I feel a moment of dread before a surge of hatred sweeps it away.

And yet, I can't move. Watching. Taking it all in. Why is it that I want to torment myself?

You're naked. Your skin, your hair, the rosiness of your cheeks—it's all so beautiful. Your perfect breasts droop between your arms as you raise your face to the canopy, your eyes closed, your lips parted. You're in pain—I know it. It's all I can see.

Then the monster gives an almighty roar that turns my blood cold. It's done with you. The great muscles in its chest bulge as it arches its neck back in the agony of pleasure. Of the pleasure it's taken from you. It looks so big against you. So huge. It seems to dominate the forest.

It cannot look more heinous, more monstrous. The entire scene could not be worse.

Finally, I've had enough. With a shout, I leap to my feet and take aim. Both the monster and you look at me in surprise. Then I shoot. You scream. The monster roars. I don't even remember pulling the trigger. Nothing seems real right now. My hands are trembling. The blood is rushing in my ears as I watch the monster stagger backwards, grabbing at its shoulder.

I can't believe it. How could I have missed? I never miss! Quickly, I fumble with my weapon as I reload, but my comrades are already taking up the slack. There's shouting. Several more shots fire. You scream again and jump to your feet as you race to the monster. As you race to the monster! Not away from it. Not to me.

It's corrupted you more completely than I thought. I reload my weapon to shoot again but you've both vanished into the trees.

Gripping my gun tightly, I rush after you.

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