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Scarlett started coughing and fighting for air as the inside of her throat burned like fire. After a while, she got herself in order and gathered enough strength to push George away from her. His body was motionless and twice as heavy as usual. Her vision was blurred, and the pressure in her head still hadn't abated. She managed to support herself with her hands and to stand up straight enough to see the conscious Sebastian in front of her holding a gun in a trembling hand. His face was dismayed, his lips parted and he gasped like a dog. It seemed to take him a few moments for his brain to sum up everything that had happened in the past few seconds. With instant relief, he dropped the gun at his feet, and then approached Scarlett with a cautious step. It was obvious that he was afraid of her reaction.

"Scarlett," he said softly as he approached her. ''Are you OK?''

Scarlett's arm was around her neck, protectively hiding it like the most valuable treasure. She silently nodded. ''And you? Are you OK?''

"Much better when I know he's finally dead," he admitted. ''I'm really sorry I got you into this, Scarlett. This should not have happened like this. That also applies to Thomas. "

My God, Thomas. I completely forgot.

"Thomas," she exclaimed in panic, ignoring Sebastian's words. She threw herself awkwardly at his body, which was still lying motionless. His skin was warm to the touch, but white as paper. "Please be alive."

"He was conscious a few moments ago," Sebastian said. "He kicked the gun to me after George threw it."

Tears streamed down Scarlett's face. She sobbed. She could not bear the death of anyone else close to her. She stroked his pale cheek.

"He lost a lot of blood," Sebastian said, calling her to her senses. She couldn't be unstable now. They had to save him. "Take this and put it over the wound," he handed her a piece of cloth he had brought from the next room. Scarlet obediently did exactly what he told her. She picked up the part of shirt that was soaked in blood and saw the bullet wound that looked awful. She tried not to think about the nausea the scene had caused her, and pressed the cloth over the wound. At her pressure, Thomas groaned painfully and opened his eyes wide.

''Thomas, please stay awake. I'm with you," she said. "We have to call the police.''

"I'd love to do that, Scarlett, but the last time I checked, that nuthouse didn't buy me a phone."

"Take mine," she said with a sigh. "It probably fell on the floor somewhere."

Sebastian, like a cat, began to walk down the hall, looking for the little black gadget that was currently the only thing that divided them between life and death.

Thomas put his hand over Scarlett's holding the fabric. He was dismayed, trying to say something. "Sh-sh-sh," she put the index finger of her free hand over his lips. ''Don't talk. Don't waste your energy. You have to stay strong."

"I found it!" Sebastian said triumphantly. He quickly typed in the number he wanted to call with his slender fingers. After a few moments, he heard a woman's voice.

"A policeman was wounded and he lost a lot of blood," he began intently. "We need an ambulance. And yes, the attacker was killed. "

"What is the address and which police officer is it?"

Sebastian looked questioningly at Scarlett and silently formed a question with his lips. "The address is Belfort 22," she replied.

"Belfort 22," Sebastian repeated. "It's Detective Thomas Calligan."

Putting down the phone, Sebastian and Scarlett exchanged helpless glances. There was so much to say, and none of them had the strength to utter it. "Everything will be fine, Thomas," she whispered. "Ambulance is coming."

"The bastard... is he dead?" Thomas struggled to speak. Scarlett nodded lethargically.

"I'd say he is," Sebastian added, touching George's motionless shoulders with the tip of his sneaker. "Yes, Satan has been officially returned to where he belongs. Hurray for us," he said indifferently, and yet Scarlett could feel the contempt in his voice for the same man who represented a father figure to both of them - in one way or another.

After about twenty minutes, there were knocks on the door and several armed police officers broke into the house. One of them, a black-haired and brown-skinned police officer, ordered Sebastian to raise his arms and lie down on the floor. Sebastian hesitated for a few moments, then, discreetly rolled his eyes (Typical of Sebastian) and obeyed the order. The black-haired police officer signaled to another colleague to approach Sebastian, and he knelt beside Thomas. He knew him.

"Tom, buddy, are you conscious?" He asked anxiously.

"He regains and loses consciousness every few minutes," Scarlett replied. He nodded, not taking his eyes off Thomas's expressionless face.

A third officer walked past Sebastian, still with a gun in his hand, and knelt beside Wilson's lifeless body to check his pulse.

"He's dead," he told no one in particular.

"Arrest him," the man next to Scarlett addressed the man holding Sebastian's hands. The police officer nodded in silence and took the handcuffs out of his back pocket. To Scarlett's surprise, Thomas gathered enough strength to put his hand over the arm of the policeman kneeling in front of him. He raised his eyelids weakly and looked at him.

"Mateo, don't arrest him," he said quietly. "He's a victim too."

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