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For a long time she sat motionless on the floor and stared at one point on the wall as she grunted in tears. Her mind still couldn't digest the previous events that had taken place in a matter of minutes. She had lost track of time and had no idea how long she had been motionless. Felix, who bumped her on the elbow with his ginger head, brought her back to reality. She jerked with that gesture and got up instantly. She was breathing shallowly as she frantically searched for the keys and the phone she dropped to the floor. When she finally found them, she flew out of the apartment without thinking whether it might be her last time to leave her home.

The drive to Thomas's house looked like an endless vortex that sucked everything in front of it, including herself. She couldn't focus on the road. Her hands resting on the steering wheel trembled, and tears that kept coming blurred her eyesight. Scenes of lifeless Thomas's corpse and Sebastian stabbing her in the back were flooding her head. Why would he do something like that after all? She was cut out of her mind by a car whose driver was lying on the siren in order to call her to return to her lane. She jerked the steering wheel abruptly and avoided the crush that was inevitable a few seconds later. She quickly braked in the middle of the road, aware of the fact that she could have just died. She let out a painful scream from her throat, angrily pounding her fists on the steering wheel so that her fingers ached. She had to calm down. She had to calm down immediately. She can't afford that luxury of being a mess right now. Someone's life depended on her.

Fifteen minutes later, she found herself in front of Thomas's door. She used to have butterflies in her stomach from the excitement of seeing him and of being on in his house. And now she felt as if a thousand tiny tingles were slowly pounding along her spine and inside her womb that she thought would make her sick at any moment. She knocked timidly on the door with a trembling hand.

Moments later, she saw a black-haired young man at the door, with a pale, sweaty face and a panicked look. He was scared.

"Sebastian," she said softly over her lips, trying to hide her fear. Sebastian parted his lips and examined her carefully, then quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, not giving her a chance to react. He slammed the door and leaned her against the cold wood, finding himself so close to her that she could feel his breath on her lips. The air was full of tension, and their eyes were fixed on each other. It was as if their gaze could speak, but Scarlett felt like they were both lost in translation. Her chest rose relentlessly under his, unable to take any step. His left hand was now on her hip, and in his right, something shone like a blade that Scarlet saw out of the corner of her eye. It was a knife.

However, she was sure she heard a gunshot when she talked to Thomas. Then where's the gun?

She recoiled when the cold metal found itself on the bare skin of her neck, trying to cling even more to the door even though it was not physically possible.

"Scarlet", he uttered her name painfully and so poetically, making it sound like poetry that will awaken melancholy in you and break your heart to pieces. His gaze was pleading. ''Be careful. Don't provoke him, he gets angry very easily. I beg you.''

She was too dismayed to utter anything, so Sebastian carefully wrapped his left arm around her chest while the blade still rested on her neck. He walked with her through the hallway with an uncertain and sluggish step, and Scarlett did not know what to expect. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest as if it would explode at any moment.

Just as they were about to walk into the living room, she saw someone's motionless legs on the floor, but even though she wasn't close enough to see the person's face, she knew exactly who it was. It was Thomas - motionless, pale and expressionless, with his eyelids down and a red stain on his stomach that soaked the fabric of the shirt he was wearing and spread it on the floor.

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