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{two: in which the two
become friends}


As Reagan walked through the corridors of UCLA rushing to get to her class that she would be late for once again, this time without a proper excuse.

The class started five minutes ago, but she quickly filed in bumping into someone along the way. "It's you again," he laughed slightly looking down at her, the bags under his eyes just proved her hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep.

"Well Mr.Beanie boy, seems like we are studying the same thing, my names Reagan, Reagan Ramirez," she stuck out her hand, looking up to see his eyes widened.

"Hello Reagan, I'm Alex, Alex Vera," he shook her hand lightly before they headed into the lecture together.

"Great for you both to finally show up," Professor Jones snapped, her eyes on the two open seats left in the class.

The two shared a look before heading to the seats.

"You guys missed what we are doing, but today we will simply be watching a video on injustices in the crime system."

The women walked sternly over to her computer, her heels clicking against the floor drove Reagan insane. "¿Es eso realmente necesario?" (is this really necessary) the girl huffed under her breath gaining a laugh from the boy next to her.

"So you know Spanish too?" she asked looking over at him. "No I just laughed at you speaking gibberish next to me," the girl quickly turned away out of embarrassment.

"I'm joking," he nudged. "Si, hablo espanol," he whispered making the girl next to him laugh. "Now do you actually know Spanish or did you learn it in school?" she looked back over at him. "My family is fluent in Spanish, so i am as well," he responded his gaze on the smart board in front of them.

She heard a yawn just barely escape his lips, gaining her attention. "Do you even sleep?" she asked aloud, the boys eyes widened. "Yeah of course I do," he chuckled.

"Five minutes a night I presume," she began to look at the deep under eye bags closer. "Three actually," he flicked the top of her nose making her jump back.

"Dude what the fuck?" she muttered. "It was just a flick," he laughed louder that he had meant to. "If you flicked any harder my nose might've broke," she rubbed the tip of her nose.

"It's just those gamer fingers, I build muscle in them," he joked. "What games do you play?" she asked, her full attention now on him.

"Minecraft is a fan favorite," he immediately stopped himself after his sentence. "Fan favorite?" she teased. "Your parents are your fans I'm guessing," she laughed looking over the boy who looked nervous.

"Yup you got me," he laughed. "You are an odd fellow," she looked away from him and up to the board. "We're all a little weird aren't we?" he asked looking over to her as she looked to the smart board.

"I guess you are right," he watched as a smile grew slightly on her face.


"I'm not going with you, I have a shit ton of assignments connor," Reagan forced herself past the group of boys.

"You always used to come with me all of freshman year, and now you are a sophomore and everything's changed?" the boy followed closely behind her.

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