Chapter (11)

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say what now?

the winner of what?

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, guys and girls started pushing me towards the ring as I tried to turn away but it was no use. 

Just when I reached there I was grabbed and placed between the two competing guys. I turned to the right and saw Leroy looking at me as he shook his head in disapproval. After a little while, I saw him looking in a specific direction and I followed that direction; Clark's direction.

Leroy gave Clark a firm nod before I was swept away from the ring by the same people that placed me in between the two guys. The bell rang, starting all the aggression. The two boys punched each other with brutality, but none of them was going down any time soon. Blood splattered everywhere from their faces until Bryan punched Leroy so hard that his whole body shifted backward.

The sounds around me faded for a minute and I felt dizzy seeing all that blood. Memories from back before I went to prison flashed before me feeling that I couldn't breathe anymore. I closed my eyes for a brief second and took in a deep breath trying not to get engulfed by the darkness, and then the sound of the bell ringing brought me back to life

Hesitatingly, I looked up and saw that it wasn't Leroy on the floor. Despite him being covered in blood, he looked at the crowd and took a bow, then he looked back at me and grabbed my arm away towards the back. 

"W-where are we going?" I asked looking around the dark tunnel. "Just move" he yanked me when I protested to go any further. Just as I was about to pull my arm from his grip, we walked into a room and he pushed me in and locked the door

"Excuse you-"

"Do you know what you're fucking doing? You ruined everything" he pointed his finger at me. I furrowed my brows with confusion "what? I'm sorry I didn't realize that this was gonna happen." I exclaimed with my hands up in the air

A jiggle on the doorknob followed by a pattern of knocks on the door stopped our argument and Leroy rushed and opened the door. Clark walked in looking even angrier than Leroy. He took long strides before standing before me all flared up. Leroy declared that he was going to the bathroom to wash up leaving me all alone with Clark

His eyes were practically throwing daggers at me, but I decided to push it even further to gain an explanation "what? are you just gonna stand there and kill me in that mind of yours or are you gonna finally have the balls to tell me why you're treating me like shit?"

Clark clenched his jaw and grabbed me by the jacket's collar "you are a little shit, you know that?". I raised my brows not caring how hard his grip was on my poor jacket "if I'm a little shit, then you're a big one"

well, that wasn't how I expected it to sound

"Did you even know what the hell were you scanning for before doing it?" he inquired with his eyes squinted, yet fixed on me. I looked around me then shook my head making him let go of me while sighing deeply, then he ran his hand through his hair as he turned around his back facing me

I followed as he walked around the room in circles then came to a fast halt when he turned my way in a flash. I gave him a little smile however, it seemed to make things worse, Clark rolled his eyes and headed to the door, unlocked it then left

oh hell no, I need an explanation 

I ran behind him and saw him exiting another door on the other side of the hallway. When I finally made it, I grabbed his hand and waited till he turned my way. You can see the frustration across his face but I didn't care

"Don't touch me again" he pulled his hand. He went to turn again but I grabbed his hand one more time, and just as if it was a fire that made contact with him he snatched his hand away and growled yelling "do you not understand what I'm saying?"

I flinched at his vulgar actions, but I was no stranger to that so it didn't bother me as it did before. I pushed him trying to get him to talk but he didn't even move an inch "why are you treating me like shit?". 

He sucked in a large breath of cold air before replying "I will break your little limbs 626 don't push it". Snorting at what he said I stood on my tiptoes to get to reach his shoulders and fired back "oh do it 627, I've been through far worse"

My response made his brows jump in amusement but he was quick to turn it down and hide any surfacing emotions once again. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I waited for something but to my disappointment he huffed and turned away with a growl

I swear, he would win a growling award if there were any

Although he did speak a lot more to me and that was a first, I wanted answers on why I was treated like shit. I knew it was his fault because he's a prick and pricks do that.

"I'm gonna keep pissing you off till you give me answers you douche, you'll see, I'll-" I paused my threats when he came back to me completely pissed off. I yelped and squinted my eyes when he made it and his hand rose to the air

He pulled me by the collar of the jacket once more, dragging me with him to somewhere. 

I just hope he doesn't burn or skin me alive. I really wanted to munch on a large bag of 'Cheetos' before I die.

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