The Russian Sleep Experiment (REWRITE)

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A/N: I know what you're thinking. "Hey, the Russian Sleep Experiment is one of the best Creepypasta of all time, why would you rewrite it?" Truth is, I can agree that the Russian Sleep Experiment is scary and the descriptions are downright disturbing, but I have seen some unfortunate flaws with it. For example, it has been established that five people participated in the experiment, but when I counted the deaths, six subjects died instead. How can you even make that mistake? I also think that the story would've been a lot more believable if the grammar was a little better. I mean, it's obvious that the story was written by an amateur (Who the hell am I to judge anyway?). I checked for any rewrites, but none were good enough, except for the narration from Chilling Tales For Dark Nights channel. I noticed that they rewrote the story and it made much more sense than the original, and Jesse Cornett kept me invested with his performance. I decided to add the story here, with a few tweaks of my own. I also highly, highly suggest you check out the YouTube channel I mentioned, the team deserves all the love and support from Creepypasta fans from all over the world.


Stalinist Soviet researchers in the late 1940s kept five people awake for 15 days using an experimental gas-based stimulant. These people, or rather test subjects, were political prisoners deemed enemies of the state during World War II. They were kept in a sealed environment and carefully monitored. Their oxygen intake was regulated so the gas didn't kill them, since it was highly toxic in high concentrations. The levels were watched closely. This was before closed-circuit cameras, so the monitoring was achieved through microphones and porthole-sized windows in the walls of the chamber. These were made with five-inch-thick glass. The chamber was stocked with books. They had running water along with a toilet. There were also cots to lay on, but no bedding, along with enough dried food rations to last all five subjects for over a month.

Everything was fine for the first five days; the subjects hardly complained, having been promised (falsely) that they would be freed if they submitted to the test and did not sleep for 30 days. Their conversations were listened to. Their activities were watched. The researchers noted that, with each passing day, the subjects spoke increasingly about traumatic incidents in their past. They discussed things usually hidden deep within the psyche, not easily revealed to strangers.

After five days, the subjects started to complain about the circumstances and events that led them to where they were. They increasingly demonstrated severe paranoia. Soon, they stopped talking to each other and began alternately whispering to the microphones and peeking through the one-way mirrored portholes in the chamber. Oddly, they all seemed to think that they could win the trust of the researchers by turning over their comrades. They began betraying the other subjects in captivity with them. At first, the researchers suspected this was an effect of the gas itself, but more time was needed before they could draw any conclusions.

After nine days, the first of the subjects started screaming as though he were in mortal danger. He ran the length of the chamber, repeatedly yelling at the top of his lungs. After this prolonged behavior went on for what seemed like hours, he continued attempting to scream, but was only able to produce occasional squeaks. The researchers postulated that he had physically torn his vocal cords. The most startling thing about this behavior was the other subjects' reaction to it, or rather, lack thereof. They continued whispering to the microphones until another one started to scream. The two who remained silent calmly took the books in the chamber apart, smeared page after page with their own filth, and pasted them carefully over the glass portholes.

The screaming promptly stopped. So did the whispering into the microphones. The chamber went silent.

After three more days passed, the researchers decided to start checking the microphones hourly to make sure they were working, since they thought it impossible that no other sound could be coming from the chamber with five people inside of it. When checking an oxygen monitoring device connected to the chamber, the researchers noted oxygen consumption rates which indicated the subjects were consuming oxygen at the rate of individuals engaged in strenuous exercise. This worried the researchers immensely.

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