Togami (Surprisingly) Lends You Clothes

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All he did was stare at you as if you were the dumbest person in the whole universe, causing you to look away sheepishly.

“(Y/n) (L/n), I swear to-”

“I-I can go and quickly get them now, of course, hehe...”

“Don't you think I would've already made you do that?!”


“Fool!” he hissed, “You live an hour away! How forgetful are you?!”

“What happened to us being friends?!”

He ignored your question and kissed his teeth in annoyance, proceeding towards his cupboard.

“Now you're all moody again!” you groaned, “Give me a break, it's not like-”

You let out a squeak of surprise as a navy blue t-shirt and black shorts suddenly covered your view. You grabbed them and pulled them off your face, confused as you stared up at Byakuya.

“Byakuya Togami? Are you letting me borrow your clothes?!”

“Unless of course, you plan on going to sleep in the same clothes you're wearing right now, like a homeless person would do.”


“T-Take it or leave it!”

“Ooh, they smell nice!” you commented, your face heating up as a certain thought popped into your mind.

“U-Um, hey, B-Byakuya?”

“What now?!” He snapped, placing another set of glasses upon his nose.

“W-Well, you know.... borrowing clothes is something, erm...couples do...”

He stared at you for a moment and you averted his eyes, wringing your hands together in embarrassment.



“...We're dating, aren't we?”


“Isn't this what you low-life people do? If you don't have enough money to buy apparel, you share, correct?”

You looked at him weirdly to check if he was being sarcastic.

Is he genuinely serious?!

“H-How did you get these kind of views on society...” you deadpanned as Byakuya sat down on the edge of the bed,

“My views aside, do you want the clothes or not?”

You huffed and snatched them away before Byakuya could, hugging them to your chest (while also taking another weird sniff).

“One, yes, I would like them. And two, these smell like rich people.”

“Is that a compliment?”

“Well I dunno, it's a statement.”

“Tch.” he sighed, before studying the clothes, “Considering my height and your own, it seems that the shirt may be a bit big.”

“Whatever. It's rich people clothes so I'm cool with it.”

“What the-”

“Forget I ever said that.” you muttered, lifting yourself from the bed before grabbing the clothes and slinging them over your shoulder.

“Also, can I borrow your shower gel?”

“Let me guess,” He grumbled, pushing his glasses up his nose, “You forgot your own as well?”



“....M-Maybe...” you giggled awkwardly as you quickly strided to the bathroom and shut the door behind you, Byakuya's irritated sigh reaching your ears after your childish comment, “Ooh! It's steamy!”

After removing your clothes and hanging them on a nearby rack, you stepped into the shower, drawing on the glass of the door with your index finger. You glanced at a shelf, which held numerous exotic-looking shower gels and shampoo.

“Jeez...” you murmured to yourself, “How fortunate can this guy get?”

You studied the names of the soapy liquids, smirking as you pondered on what one to use. As soon as you were about to take one, a gel with a golden and black bottle caught your eye.

“Oooh, I think I'll take this-”

“(Y/n)!” Byakuya called before your hands could reach it, “I forgot to say, do not use my shower gel on the other shelf! That one is out of bounds! Understand?!”

“Fine! Whatever!” you rolled your eyes, looking longingly at the bottle before reluctantly grabbing the one you were planning on taking before.

“Why does it even matter?!” you huffed loud enough for Byakuya to hear, “You have so many it won't even make a difference!”

“I already said do not use it! It's my favourite one!”

“Spoilt brat!”

“Quiet, fool!”

You rolled your eyes again, silently wondering why Byakuya was starting to sound like one of your upperclassmen, Gundham Tanaka, before squirting the liquid into your hands.


“H-He was body cream too?!” you whispered to yourself as you peeked at the shelf situated beside the shower.

“Flavours?! They have scents?! You're kidding.”

The closest thing you ever had to secented, expensive looking body cream is Vaseline when you managed to keep the bottle cap clean. You immediately snatched the caramel one off the shelf, chuckling evily.

After applying it to your skin, you clasped the blue shirt in your hand and pulled it over your body.

“Well would you look at that!” you said to nobody in particular, “This can literally count as a dress! What is with that daddy long legs-”

“Are you addressing me as a spider?!”

You winced and mentally slapped yourself for saying the sentence out loud as you quickly pulled on the shorts and exited the bathroom.

“U-Um....hi, Byakuya, hehe....”

Byakuya Togami x Reader - My Secret (Stuck Up) Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now