Chapter 4

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That night, Rose slept in her normal place, the down stairs apartment and The Doctor joined her to take the spare bedroom. He had a dream that took him back a bit and made him full of hope because all The Doctor's dreams were significant and showed not what he desired, but what will come if he makes the right choices.
"Doctor!" Rose called for his help and he rushed to the voice as it called again. He called back snd ran from corridor to corridor in a red glowing space ship. Some force of evil must have been on the ship because The Doctor seemed so distressed.
The dream changed, all of a sudden, he was back in Gallifrey, his home world. Rose again, called for help but more desperately this time... The Doctor ran to her around the beautiful gardens to find her and followed the voices. "Doctor! Its- its-" she began but the voice seemed to surround him and fill his mind. "Its him!" Her voice came from all angles like an echo as the doctor ripped open a door to a large castle-like building.
Again, the dream changed but now, he was in the TARDIS... It glowed blue as the Time Rotor went up and down in the centre. Rose called from outside the TARDIS and he ran to the doors. Yanking them open, he almost fell into space as he was surprised to catch a glimpse of a large sun.
The Doctor shook awake and found himself sweating buckets in stress. Panicked, he flicked the sheets off him self and walked out to the bathroom. As he rinsed his face, he remembered his dream and went over the events trying, to understand the relevance.
He hadn't thought of this yet, but he came to the idea that in this parallel universe, there may still be a Gallifrey.... But why are there no Time-Lords all around him? They would be here? Wouldn't they?
Not long later, he went back to bed but strangely experience the same dream two more times... But one thing was different each time, there was a buzz that got louder each time and started to drown rose out...

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