Chapter 6

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A month has passed and several things have happened.

Lily managed to avoid the explanation that Hermione had asked her on her knees, saying that she bent down to pick up some things, Lily knew that Hermione had not believed her but she was very cute to pretend that she did. Although as the days passed, more questions Hermione had for her and she had almost no credible excuses left.

Lily and Oliver practiced twice a week, Lily was improving each time and Oliver assured her that she would be selected, even so because of her competitiveness someone would always get hurt, almost every time it was Oliver but it was never anything serious, that boy seriously gets hurt very easily.

As far as Lily remembered, she had only hurt 2 of the fingers on her right hand, but Oliver, he had already injured his wrist, shoulder, elbow, neck, knee, ankle, even his hips and Lily always ended up healing them and unintentionally at the end of each practice, and healing whoever was hurt that time, they were going to his room.

The first few times they just spent it fooling around, not the way you think though, they both enjoyed each other's company, they could talk for hours and hours, mostly about Quidditch, since Oliver seemed to be interested only in that, Lily did not mind at all, although in her head she swore that if Oliver continued like this he would end up marrying a Quaffle, which seemed the most likely possibility at the time.

There was a problem.

Lily no longer saw Oliver with only lust or as a simple crush, his harmonious, although with a very marked Scottish accent voice, reverberated in her head before sleeping, then when sleeping there he was still projecting his fine self into her dreams and his eyes, those brown eyes that seemed not to but gleamed every time they looked at her.

She hated to admit it, but she was falling in love. That was Lily's biggest problem, she fell in love very quickly and to her bad luck with the wrong people, as a result she ended up heartbroken, she was scare but deep down she hoped that this was not the case with Oliver.

"And that's how we won the game against Hufflepuff last year." Oliver finished telling one of his anecdotes.

Lily started to tell him how great it sounded and that she couldn't wait for her first match, she stopped when his gaze seemed lost "Hey, what's wrong?" she snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"N-nothing, it's just that you're seriously wonderful" he said smiling at her.

Lily definitely blushed at this statement, giving him an incredulous look "Yeah right mate"

"I'm bloody serious angel! I can't believe you've never had a boyfriend" Oliver began forming circles with his thumb in the palm of her hand.

Lily did have it, but she preferred to erase that from her memory.

She knew what he was trying to do, all those days Lily wanted to keep the conversation in just Quidditch, which for Oliver wasn't that hard, if with that alone her feelings were a mess, when it came to more personal things it would be a major league disaster, even more when Oliver always wanted to get there, thank God she saw the time and had to go with Harry and the others to continue practicing, Lily was grabbing her things with the excuse that she had an appointment with Harry.

Oliver stopped her by wrapping his hand around her wrist looking disappointed "Why do you have a thing with Potter every day?"

Lily didn't know if she could tell him, since things have gotten tough, she would have to talk to Harry about it in a bit more.

Since Umbridge took control of the school, she's been currently chasing them and interrogating students to find out our plans, she even had the Slytherin fools as spies as the biggest fool he was his leader Malfoy, Lily found it amusing how he and Harry seemed to have a mutual obsession between them both.

 ༄𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅? ~ 𝑶𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑾𝒐𝒐𝒅༄Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum