"Let me go, so I kill her!" Tora yelled, baring her fangs as she struggled in their grasps. The woman was so dead when she gets her in her claws.

Minvera laughed at the scene before her, smirking over at the blonde dragon slayer. Proud of the fact that she was able to trigger a fairy. She was sending another attack to make Lucy scream again. She wanted more pain and anger.

"Oh my, seems like Tora Dreyer wants to join the fight as well," one of the judges said.

"Yes, it seems. Even her teammates have to hold her down to prevent her from doing so. But I agree with her motives. This is cruel," Yajima said, an intense frown on his lips. The other judges seem to agree.

But sadly, it was within the rules, and they couldn't do anything about it without stopping the games and going through the legal process. It would take too much time and anger many people to stop the fun.

"Lemme go!" Tora continued to yell. Pure rage and hatred begin to blind her. Her inner dragon was roaring for her dear friend, wanting to protect the defenseless celestial mage.

"No, Tora!" Laxus said, pushing the two out of the way and pulling her to him away from the railing.

The silence broke out again as Minvera held Lucy by her throat outside the sphere. Everyone was frozen still...waiting. Then she just dropped her.  With everyone in shock, Tora took this chance to break out of her brother's arms. Jumping over the railing, and used her lightning magic to reach Lucy in time.

Luckily she caught her on time. Pulling the blonde in her arms and turned to take the impact. With a groan, she slowly sat up and gently laid Lucy down onto the ground. Softly rubbing her cheek...she was severely wounded and needed medical attention immediately.

Minerva jumped out of the sphere and walked towards the two with a twisted smirk on her face.

Tora felt her presence and glanced up to see that she dared to get close. All Tora could see was red, readying to lunge at her until Natsu grabbed her wrists, holding her back even if he wanted to do the same.

"What's with those faces? I played within the rules," she dared to say. Was that supposed to save her ass?

"Played within the rules! By constantly beating someone who was already defeated? What logic is that?" Erza said coldly.

"You should be grateful that I allowed her to be in second place," Minvera said with a roll of her eyes.

'Allowed her?!'

Tora growled and tried to attack her once more, but Gajeel and Gray helped Natsu jump on her and hold down.

Minvera smirked at them.

"Let me teach her a quick lesson. I promise to leave the eyes so she can see!" the female dragon slayer said evilly. She was returning her smirk with the deadly glare. With a blank of an eye, the rest of Sabertooth stood in front of her.

Tora stared at Sting, who wouldn't look at her.  It angered her that he allowed such a thing to happen... But she saw it in his expression, in his posture, that he didn't like what his comrade or better explained as what his dictator did.

"....ok..ok I'm fine..." She said in defeat, relaxing.

The boys slowly let go of her but stayed ready if she tried to pull a quick one. She stood up and dusted herself, shooting a dangerous glare at Minvera.

"You have made an enemy out of a guild that you DO NOT want as an enemy. I'll personally show you why we were on top before. Prepare yourself" Tora held her glare. The woman was too ignorant to cave in. But the others seemed to have shaken from her warning.

Without another word, she turned and followed the medics to the infirmary.


After the naval battle, the tag team battles began. The first match was Millanna and Kagura vs. Lyon and Yuka. In the end, Millanna and Kagura won. Which Gray took the pleasure to poke fun at, Lyon, to losing to girls. Which earned him a slap to the back of his head by Erza.

After that, Bacchus and Rocker were against Ichyia and Nichyia. At the end of that battle.....Ichyia won with .....his so-called handsomeness...Shocking the female knight and dragon slayer.

Later that day, Natsu and Gajeel got ready for their match against Sting and Rogue. As they walked onto the field, Sting looked over at Fairy Tail's seats. He was searching for his mate. Once he caught her blue eyes, he looked at her with a saddened expression. She returned it. Tora was torn between many things...

In the end, Natsu won, and Gajeel was lost somewhere underground because of Natsu... Sting and Rogue were taken to Sabertooth's infirmary.

Tora watched as they were taken away. She felt pain in her heart seeing Sting like that and the thought of what would happen. 'I hope he isn't hurt too bad....' She thought.

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