3. hold my hand

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Natsu and Gray work through their feelings as they fight to win the Games.


Jiemma refused to let Natsu train the kids.

"They have everything they need here," he sneered, refusing to even look in Natsu's direction. Natsu ground his teeth – the irritation that had been mounting ever since they'd found Sting and Rogue alone in the square was starting to twist in his stomach and make him want to scream. They hadn't even been welcomed inside. Jiemma had summoned Yukino to take Sting and Rogue away and had nearly closed the door before Natsu had been able to broach the question.

"There aren't many Dragon Slayers," Natsu tried again. Something cool brushed his clenched fist – a puff of Gray's magic as a gentle reminder to keep himself composed. "It's a unique magic, we—"

"Don't presume to lecture me," Jiemma interrupted curtly. "You'd be better off focusing on your own guild – that is, if you want to win tomorrow."

Then the door slammed shut and Natsu and Gray were left in the quiet dark of the street.

"That motherfucker," Natsu hissed, glaring at the door. "I'm gonna—"

"Natsu." Gray grabbed his arm and tugged him away from the inn, shaking his head. "Use your brain. You can't do anything."

"I can kick him in the teeth," Natsu suggested.

"And forfeit the games?"

Natsu growled, holding on to the anger for a few more seconds before sighing and rubbing his face. "I hate it when you're right," he muttered.

"I know," Gray said, bumping his shoulder as they turned and headed back toward their own inn.

They both fell silent as they walked, letting the gentle quiet of the night surround them both. Natsu chewed his lip, willing himself not to think about the distressed look on Sting's face when Yukino had led him and Rogue away toward their rooms.

"I just wish..."

"I know." Gray's shoulder brushed Natsu's again. "I wonder what happened to their parents."

Natsu shook his head. He'd been trying not to think about it. He couldn't push the thoughts away, though – he'd never been good at letting things go. Everything raced through his mind, a jumbled tangle of memories and worries and the fear that he was making a terrible mistake.

He jumped when a cool set of fingers brushed his, and the heat was immediately back in his cheeks, rushing up his arms and across his chest where it made his heartbeat stutter. Gray moved to pull away, but before he could change his mind, Natsu returned the touch. They stayed like that for a second, both keeping their gaze ahead as they walked, before Gray slowly, carefully ran his fingertips across Natsu's palm.

Natsu let out a shaky breath at the gentle touch. It pulled him back to warm summer afternoons at the river, lying on their backs side-by-side while they held hands and found shapes in the clouds. The unsettled sensation in his stomach twisted into tentative excitement, and he slipped his fingers between Gray's. They hadn't held hands in so long, but it felt so natural, like they fit together. Belonged together.

"They'll be okay," Gray said softly, tightening his hand around Natsu's. They ducked out of the alley and onto one of the larger streets, making their way through the yellow pools of light under the streetlamps.

"I hope so," Natsu said. He let Gray pull him a little closer. They were silent for a bit as they made their way back to the inn, and Gray had just opened the front door when Natsu said, "I miss my dad."

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