40- Claw Machine.

Start from the beginning


Stepping into the private hall, was Jeannette; She was quickly greeted by her friends and the first question she asked them was, "Do I look over the top today?"

"You look amazing. What's wrong with looking extra? You look cute." Quickly replied Daisy and gave her a smile.

"Yeah, I agree. I wish I dressed up like you too, but Genevieve told me to hurry up 'cause apparently the hostess must be here first." Ellie bitterly spoke and glared at Genevieve.

"I just said the truth. You started getting early late." Genevieve shrugged off Ellie and sent her a smile to spite her.

"Hey!!" Ellie pouted and crossed her arms.

The assurance really boosted her confidence. Jeanette tried to dress up cutely because she knew Ijekiel was going to be here today, he was invited. She thought she might've done a little bit too much for a bowling outing, but like always, her friends reassured her and complimented her. They like being extras either way, she should've known that by now. Jeanette wasn't wearing a tight dress or anything, it was just a comfortable outfit that she managed to make it look cute.

Not long after Jeanette arrival, Lucas arrived. He wasn't that talkative with them, despite them trying to include him in the conversation. Lucas would just reply with a word or two. So the girls didn't mind him and just let him be as they continued chatting.

10 minutes pass and finally Athanasia arrives alone. Everyone was expecting her to come with Ijekiel, but she explained how he would be a bit late due to matters he has to take care of, when really she just wanted to come alone, and hopefully give Jeanette a chance to get home with Ijekiel, even though she doubted it would happen.

She seated herself randomly, and it was next to Lucas. "So are we starting the game?" Asked Athanasia as she got herself comfortable.

"Let's wait for Ijekiel. He'll be coming soon, I threatened him." Ellie said and placed her phone away.

Everyone gave Ellie a weird look, most of them were out of concern. The harsh words Ellie would use were most of the time exaggeration.

Ellie quickly caught on the stares and clarified what she meant. "As a joke. I didn't threaten him, I just told him to come here right now. You can even check my phone."

"No, no, we believe you." Giggled daisy.

"Oh also, I invited my Grayson." Ellie added.

"What? Why?" Genevieve questioned.

"Well, he may be a bit older than us, but he is fun. Don't you agree? Plus, there are too many girls here, I think a guy would help these two be at ease." By two she meant Lucas and Ijekiel. There were 5 girls and 2 boys here (including Ijekiel who hasn't arrived yet).

"Oh." Athanasia took a glimpse of Lucas, accidentally locking eyes with him. "Right." Then turned back to her friends.

"What was that look for?" Lucas asked and raised an eyebrow.

Athanasia shrugged and answered sassily with, "Nothing, I just forgot you, as in boys are here. I thought it was just us girls." Thing is, it was genuine despite her sassy tone.

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