Author's Note

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Hey! Please read this. First off, I hope you enjoyed my story. :)

Now, the important stuff. You're probably hating me for making the last chapter so short, *dodges tomato* it was only 67 words. But I have an explanation. And you're probably gonna hate me. But hear me out. I was really stuck, and I promised I wouldn't give up on the story. I didn't want to back out on that promise so I finished it. Here is where you'll probably hate me. I now ship Sokeefe. *Gets covered in rotten tomatoes* Ok. That was just mean. It didn't have to be rotten. But I'm truly sorry. And I mean it. I don't even know the people the that are reading my story. But that doesn't make me feel any less sorry. Stay Beautiful in your own way! :)

-Sophie Foster

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