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After Keefe left, FItz hugged Sophie, and they stood there, together. Sophie's face was buried in his neck. When they pulled apart, they locked eyes, and both began blushing wildly. But Sophie had a question she needed to ask.

"So, why did you come?"

"Um, I didn't mean to be nosy or anything," Fitz started "I, I saw you and Keefe holding hands, then you went to Havenfield. I just wanted to know what was going on." Sophie smiled, happy to that her boyfriend cared. Fitz leaned in and the kissed, their arms wrapping around each other. When they let go, Fitz had this adorable smile plastered on his face. 

"See you tomorrow." Fitz said

"Bye." Sophie said, then kissing him on the cheek.

Sorry this was a short chapter!

SophitzTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang