Conversation in the Mind

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In this chapter, when Fitz and Sophie communicate telepathically, they will both be italics.

Hello? Sophie? Can you hear me? Fitz's voice filled her head.

Ya, I can hear you.

Sorry if I woke you up, I couldn't sleep.

Y Same. And, you didn't wake me up.

Sorry about Alvar. One day I will get him.

It's okay. Why are you so...determined to get Alvar?

Before today, I, I didn't really know why. All I knew was that I would get him. But after today, I want to get him for what he did to you. He tried to kill you.

Don't they all?

But he's my brother.

Oh. Okay. What did you do today?

When I came back Biana was questioning me, but I just ignored her. I filled out my memory log. When my parents found out about the Neverseen coming they freaked out and called Elwin. You?

When I came back, Grady and Edaline asked me what happened, and  when I told them the Neverseen came, they freaked out and called Elwin.

That sounds like them.

Ya it does. Then there was an awkward silence.

Um, the song was really nice and sweet. You have a great singing voice.

Thanks. I meant everything the song said. It was one of the songs they played at the ice skating rink. I asked Dex to help me get the name of the song.

How did you get the guitar and learn to play it? 

I have my ways.

Ohhhh, ok. Well tomorrow is a school day, and I have to study with Dex early in the morning, so, bye!


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