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It was Wednesday and Sophie was pretending to be asleep so that her bodyguards could leave the room, allowing her to sneak out. Once Sandor and Flori left the room, she waited ten minutes to make sure. After waiting, got up and was about to put her foot on the floor, when she remembered that they would probably hear her, so she levitated, very ungracefully, to the bathroom, and changed into normal clothes. Then she locked the main door, and just to be sure, she added pillows under her covers. Then she took out her pathfinder, and leaped to Candleshade.

When she arrived, she found Keefe and Fitz already there.

"Sorry, I had to make sure." Sophie said apologetically

"It's okay." Both boys replied

"Let's go in and out." Sophie said, Fitz and Keefe nodded. They walked into the tall building in front of them. Sophie held on to Keefe's hand so that she enhance him. Keefe closed his eyes, Sophie and Fitz looked at him in wonder.

When Keefe opened his eyes a few moments later and said, "There's something in the closet on the seventy-third floor." He started walking up the stairs, the others followed. 

When they got to the top, Sophie's legs were so sore. They walked down the hall to a closet. Keefe tried to open the door, but it was locked. Keefe pulled some sort of metal stick out of his pocket, and stuck it in the keyhole. He twisted it around, until finally they heard a click. Keefe opened the door to find a locked chest. 

"It doesn't have a keyhole, so how are we supposed to open it?"Sophie asked

"Maybe it's like that freaky imparter that my mom sent me." Keefe said, after a few minutes.

"So, we open it with your blood," Fitz questioned

"Yup." Keefe answered, then he took his metal lock pick out. He scraped himself in order to draw blood, and didn't even flinch. He smeared his blood right were a keyhole should have been. The chest clicked, and slowly opened itself. Once it fully opened, Fitz took ahold of Sophie's hand, as they all walked forward. They looked into the chest and found a old sheet of paper. Fitz let go of Sophie's hand so he could carefully pick up the paper.

"I don't understand the writing, it looks like a different language." Fitz said

"Sophie, can you read this?" Keefe asked

"No, I, I don't recognize it." Sophie said "We can deal with this tomorrow, right now we should go before anyone notices we're gone."

"Bye." They all said, then they leaped away.

I hope you like this chapter, if you have any ideas, feedback, or you just want to say something, please comment it.

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