Chapter 1: Bored

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suga pov:

i was lying on my bed scrolling through social media, bored. it had been a couple of hours since i had gotten home from afternoon practice. i rolled over on my stomach and looked over at the little nightstand next to my bed.
i groaned and sat up, ruffling my hair with my hand. it's too early to go to bed, but i'm bored out of my mind.
plus, it was too late to go out anywhere. i suddenly had an idea. i took my phone and scrolled through my contacts until i found the one i was looking for.

hey daichi wanna come over?

it's pretty late already, are you ok?

yea i'm fine! dw i'm just bored🤺

hm alright i'll be over in 10


    i suddenly felt a wave of anxiety and excitement rush over me. sure i've known daichi for a long time, but i kindaaaaaa have a crush on him. when i say kinda, i mean a HUGE crush on him. ever since i saw him for the first time when we were first years, i just fell for him.
    i mean what wasn't there to like about him? his nice black hair. his dark, handsome, assertive eyes. his muscular build. his stern, yet kind and caring personality. plus he was a great player and captain and an even better best friend. every little thing about him makes me wanna go up to him and just kiss hi- AHH WAIT IM SORRY IM GETTING OFF TRACK-
anyways, this wasnt the first time daichi's been to my house, but it sure felt like it. i honestly felt like a 13 year old girl fawning over the hot popular at school.
i looked around my room and decided to tidy it up a bit and fix my bed. when i was done, i looked at myself in the mirror. i wore a grey hoodie with white sweatpants and to complete my look, messy hair. i brushed it down a bit with my hands and thought i was good to go. after a couple of more minutes, i heard the doorbell ring downstairs.
i rushed down the stairs, missing a step and almost falling down, but i picked myself back up before i could. i placed my hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath, my heart beating out of my chest.
i opened the door.

January 26, 2021
(A/N: hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter! i'm sorry it's so short😭 this was actually going to be a one shot book but i turned out to be a daisuga fanfic i don't really know where i'm going with this sou if you guys have any suggestions that would be great! i'll try to update daily but i've got online classes, tests and volleyball practice sou i'll try my best😅 anygayyyy, i'm also thinking of doing a Q and A sou if you want leave questions (and recommendations for the story) in the comments! okok i've ranted enough for  now, cya guys in the next chapter tmrw!

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