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Aira's POV

My eyes feel heavy as the sudden urge to open them enters my body, an excruciating pain rattles me as I try to move my torso, the feeling of something holding me down greeting me.

I force my vocal chords to make a sound, and what I think it sounds like a grunt escapes, the noise of heavy shuffling suddenly entering my ears.

Someone talking greets me and upon processing the language, it doesn't sound like English or Spanish even. Chinese? German?.

I exhale as I feel something heavy but cold against my forehead, the sensation being amazing on my warm form.

Are we home? Or were we eventually rescued by allied NASA forces?. Could be what explains the different language.

The sensation of a needle on my right arm makes me lightly squirm, immediately regretting it as a burning sensation takes over me, a mix between the pain and the injection.

The strange language all of the sudden disappears and is replaced with a familiar one.

"Can you hear me?."

A loud gruff male voice salutes me, mustering as much saliva as I can, I swallow it, lubricating my throat as much as I can to answer.

"I can, now please lower your voice, my head is killing me."

My answer comes out rather low, but I can imagine that I scared quite a few people since all I hear are scurried rapid shuffling and a couple of whispers.

"Can you open your optics?."

I scrunch up my face at the word. Optics, the hell is that?.

I force my eyes to open, only to forcefully close them again as a blinding light shines in my face. Under my eyelids I see how the intensity diminishes, to almost a dull lighting.

Opening them again, all I see is an annoying blur, I blink fast to make it go away. As soon as I see clearly who or rather what is in front of me, I try to scream, nothing coming out of my lungs.

My body reacts to my urge to scream by allowing me to move, pain rattling in my core as I shuffle back, ripping off sets of small cables from my arms. The creature in front of me jumps and screams at my reaction, the same unknown language coming out.

More screaming comes from it as I'm able to muster a raspy scream as well. All of the sudden, one more creature enters the place, this one being a bit more calm and collected, it's... eyes? are making me nervous as it doesn't leave my frame as I move behind a big pillar like object. When I place my hand on the floor is when I catch the hard smell of metal. Not daring to make a sound, I stop breathing, thinking that it will probably make me invisible.

The thing that entered walks slowly towards me, every footstep loud in my ears. It's blue eyes noticing me and I try to coward back even more.

The strange language comes again as both creatures talk between each other. All of the sudden the one walking gets on what I presume it's its knees, putting both hands on the floor and getting on my height, meanwhile I try to sink deeper between the wall and floor, tears already falling from my eyes like waterfalls.


The thing in front of me talks. That's it, this is bullshit.

"There is no need to fear, we will not harm you."

I let out a sigh and shake my head as I try to wrap my head around the fact that a giant creature talks.

My back shuffles as it raises a hand, claw like fingers stopping mid way at my movement.

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