Chapter One: In The Same Boat

Start from the beginning

"All awake are we?" A balding man with a gravelly voice chuckled.

He stopped in between the two cells, facing the room opposite Clementine.

"You can't keep us in cages you asshole, let us the fuck out!" Marlon growled at him.

The man pulled a hand rolled cigarette from his pocket and lit it up.

"Shoulda' thought about that before you tried to fuck with us." He said, pointing with the lit cigarette.

"We didn't do anything to you, what's your problem with us?" Louis asked, his tone significantly less angry than Marlon's.

The man laughed before taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Ask your friend, he knows."

Louis looked over confusedly at Marlon, who shrugged before turning his attention back to the stranger.

"You're insane, fuck you." Marlon spat.

"Cute. Y'all in that cell ain't gettin' fed today."

"What? But we haven't eaten in two days." Brody said, outraged.

"And now you ain't gettin' fed tomorrow either. Maybe you'll think twice before running your mouth again."

The man turned on his heel and approached Clementine's cell. He grimaced, showing off his crooked teeth.
She gagged at the smell of cigarette smoke that no doubt followed him everywhere he went.

"What about you, hat-girl? What's your story, you with them?"

Clem shook her head. Now that he was leaning in, she noticed that his pupils were mismatched colours. One green, one brown.

"I don't even remember how I got here, all I know is your people knocked me out."

"Well I can't say I know how you got here either." He looked past her at AJ who was standing slightly behind glaring at him. "That your kid?"

"Yeah, he's mine." She gave him a steely glare.

"Huh. Ain't you too young to have a kid?"

She maintained her stare, trying to make him feel uncomfortable.

"You should let us go." AJ said from behind her.

The man laughed obnoxiously.

"And why should I do that, squirt?"

"Because bad stuff'll happen to you otherwise."

AJ's threat only made the man laugh more. He took a drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke into Clem's face, she tried her hardest not to cough.

"I like this kid already. Well, I best be goin'. Once we're all loaded up, it's straight to the Delta. Y'all are gonna be worked hard once we get there, so rest while you can."

He saluted with two fingers, his cigarette leaving a wispy trail of smoke in its wake before he left the room.

"Charming fella." Louis joked.

"Dude, not the time." Marlon scolded him.

There was a sudden, loud groan from their cell. A blonde haired girl stood up, her hand at the back of her head.

"Ugh, god my fucking head." She groaned. "The fuck's going on?"

"We've been kidnapped." Louis said curtly.

"Oh. Great." The girl replied sarcastically.

"Huh. There's a lot of you in that cell." Clem half joked.

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