Telling him your pregnant - Lee Geum-Hyuk (VAV)

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Requested by: @LexiaWesker95


I woke up and ran to the bathroom quickly. I reached the toilet and vomited. I have been feeling sick often these days and I honestly don't know why. Last time My boyfriend and I have done something was.... 3 weeks ago. OMG 3 weeks ago!?

I quickly cleaned myself and got dressed. I went downstairs ate some breakfast and grabbed my purse. I walked to the car, got in and started to drive to the store.

I arrived at the store and went in. I went to the infirmary section and looked for the pregnancy tests. I got a box and went to check out. I payed and drove back home.

I arrived back home and went inside the house. I took off my shoes and coat and went to the bathroom. At the bathroom I unboxed the pregnancy test.

I took the pregnancy test and put it on the counter waiting for the results. While I was waiting the only thoughts in my head were 'I hope I am not really pregnant' or 'what if I'm really pregnant and what will Geum-Hyuk think?'

5 minutes were over and I went to the counter  and closed my eyes. I counted to three... '1...2...3!' At three I opened my eyes and started at the test.

With the positive test laying on the counter I feel to the ground

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With the positive test laying on the counter I feel to the ground. 'Am I really pregnant'  A tear rolled down my cheek.

Minutes later I heard the front door open. I kept sitting on the bathroom floor until I gathered my courage and took the pregnancy test in my hand and went downstairs.

As I walked down the stairs I hid the test behind my back and went to greet my boyfriend.

"Hey baby!" He excitedly greeted me and wanted to hug him but I refused.
"Are you okay? Did I do something to make you upset?" He asked me worried touching my arm.

I looked up and faced him.
"Babe? Can we talk"
"Uhh sure" We both walked to the living room of course me behind him and sat on the couch.

"What's wrong Y/N?" I sighed and looked down.
"Promise me you will not be mad?"
"I promise" He promised and I showed him the pregnancy test. He took it out of my hand and starred at it.

"Are you sure?" He asked me still looking at the test. I nodded my head and he immediately pulled me in to a hug.
"Oh baby! I'm so happy! I can finally have another princess"!
"Are you not mad?"
"Of course not" I hugged him back and he then kissed me.
"I'm glad that you are the one carrying my child"

He placed the pregnancy test on the coffee table. He pulled me onto the couch making me fall into his embrace. He kissed my head and cuddled me. All that was showing through my mind was 'I'm so glad he's not mad'
I cuddled him aswell and we stayed like that for a bit.
The End

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