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Chapter Eleven- The Letter

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Chapter Eleven- The Letter

"It's been a while since I wrote to you Carter. I've been busy that's all. With all the stuff going on in my life. Biology is getting more hard. Starting to regret reading all those books in grade school. I should visit you. Well I am when i deliver this letter"

"I'm getting better at the violin. I still struggle since you were at the house but i'm getting there. I miss you" As Claire wrote down the letter she tried her best not to get her tears on the paper. She quickly wiped them with her sleeve and continued to write.

"Hey, i finally decided to knock" Eliot Archibald said as Kai opened the door downstairs.
"Character development. Very proud" He joked and moved out the way for he can come in. "She's upstairs. But you shouldn't bother her right now" Kai told him.
"Is something wrong? Is she okay?" He asked.
"She's writing a letter to someone and she doesn't like to be bothered" He explained. 
"Oh, that's understandable".

"Scott finally asked V out. Along with Kai and Spencer. I'm really happy for them" Claire wrote down and she was debating on weather or not to write down what she was thinking. "Hey Carter, there is this boy. Now before you freak out. There is nothing romantic. He's an Archibald. They say they're heart breakers. I let him in Carter, I finally let someone in after you left. I hope you're proud"

"He's sweet. Annoying but sweet. He has this special smile where he only wears it when i'm around. He's probably just jokingly flirting. I always call him by his full name. He only does it when we're joking. This boy doesn't give up. It's annoying sometimes. Sometimes. He always does this thing where if I say no he'll just smile and stare at me until i change my mind. It worked in the beginning but it's hard to keep that up".

"He took me to the carnival. He also plays Rick Montgomery outside my window whenever he wants to hang out. Honestly would it hurt him to knock on the door? But I don't mind, none the less"

"It was always hard letting people in after you left. It was hard letting him in. But his dumbass wouldn't give up. But eventually I let him in. I know you probably think it was a mistake. But it wasn't, Carter it wasn't. It was one of the best decisions i have ever made. I don't regret it one bit. And if i had a change to go back and change it, I wouldn't. Because I trust him".

"You're probably wondering his name is name. It's Eliot Archibald".

"Missing you always,

            Claire Valentine"

That letter took up two pages in her book. She was debating to keep em in there like the rest or take them out. She took out the letters and put them in an envelope. Claire fought her hardest not to let anymore tears going out her eyes. Soon some of them fell on the envelope. "Shit" Claire mumbled and wiped her tears still trying to fight the tears.

It was no use.

All the tears flowing out her eyes. Quiet sobs escaping her mouth. Her hands tightly griping the envelope.
"Fuck, why did you have to leave Carter" she whispered to herself. She only writes her letters when she was alone. Well, she thought she was alone this time.

Claire let out a painful shriek. That shriek caused Kai and Eliot Archibald rushing up to her room. Once they opened the door they saw her on the floor crying as she held onto the letter.

"Claire" Kai said joining her on the floor.
"Go away. Just Please go away" She told him. Kai was going to protest but didn't. He knew his sister was in pain.

Eliot Archibald slowly sat down on the floor next to her. He joined his hands together making his knees hit his chest. Quiet sobs were still coming from her.
"Go. Just please go" Claire told him.
"You and I both know I won't" Eliot Archibald told her.

"Why not! Huh? Why not!" Claire stood up.
"I won't leave Claire" He told her. He knew she was just trying to hide her emotions.

"Why won't you just go! Leave like how everyone else did. Because that's what they do, they leave" Claire told Eliot Archibald with tears falling down her cheeks. 

"I'm not them Claire! I'm not going anywhere. No matter how hard you try i won't leave" He finally told her.

"No! I'm not leaving you Valentine. I'm not leaving! I'm not going to just disappear. Or just ignore you or stop hanging out with you. Because Claire Valentine I care about you!" Eliot Archibald yelled at her.  "We have this conversation every time you see yourself finally trusting someone. You think they're gonna leave but, but i'm not. I swear Valentine i'm going to stay" Eliot Archibald told her stepping closer to her grabbing her hands.

"Claire Valentine i'm not leaving. You can hate me all you want but i'm not leaving" Eliot Archibald whispered to her.
"You're an idiot, you know" she said her voice trembling.
"Yeah, I know" He told her.
"I'm sorry" She said and she put her head on his chest.
"You were just scared and hurt. Valentine you shouldn't have to apologize for your feelings " He said pulling her close.

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