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Chapter Eight - Late Night Talking

"You excited" Eliot Archibald said as he placed his card.
"To go to the carnival? Yes, to be seen with you? No" she answers and placed a blue three.

"I think it'll be amazing" Spencer said as he placed his card. "You're excited because Kai finally asked you to go with him" Scott told him. "Are you sure you're okay with it?" Spencer turned to him. "I have told you yes a million times. I'm just glad to see you happy" She smiled at him.

"I think Vereena is more excited than you" Eliot Archibald told her. "That's because Scott finally grew some balls and asked her out. Have you seen the way he looks at her?" She told him.

"She's his world" Spencer adds.

"Shut up" Scott wines.

"Never noticed" Eliot Archibald said.

"Some people are just clueless" Claire said as they continued to play. She looked up to see the twins giving her the stare. "What?" She asked. The bell rang.

"You'll find out soon" Scott said as he collected the cards.

"Meet you there?" She asked Eliot Archibald. "As always" Eliot smiled at her. Claire rushed out the door.

"She's clueless but we're not" Spencer told him. "I don't know what you're talking about?" Eliot Archibald tried to play it off. "She's the world, Eliot. She may not be our world but she's the world" Scott said and they walked off.


"What should I wear? A dress? Oh no, it's just the carnival" Vereena rambled on. Claire and Eliot Archibald just stayed quiet and ate their lunch.

"When do you think she'll stop?" Eliot Archibald whispered to Claire.
"Well?" she asked them.
"You shouldn't be overthinking it" Eliot Archibald told her.
"Yeah, it's a first date at the carnival. Don't stress" Claire smiled at her best friend.

"She's right, it's the carnival. Don't wear a dress because of the rides. But don't wear shorts either because it will get cold. Wear causal shoes because of the walking. Wear a long sleeve so when it does get cold he can give you his jacket" Eliot Archibald told her and the two girls started at him. "My girl cousins tell me about their drama". They say an "oh".

"I'm totally ready for all the cliches that are going to happen tomorrow night" Claire said.
"Oh yeah i forgot, that seems to happen to us" Eliot Archibald adds.
"Us? You are the one that keeps doing the cliche things. Holding up a boom box at my window" she said.

"I have a thing for cliches. Plus, me holding up a boom box at your window caused you to ask me to the carnival" He turned to her.

"I only said that for you to go home and not get sick. Didn't want you coming to school all sick just to bother me and get me sick" she told him.
"That's the only reason?" Eliot Archibald told her.
"I'm so third wheeling here" Vereena muttered. The bell rang causing them to go to their next class.


It was After school. Claire walked in her house to see Kai making something in the kitchen.
"Hey" Claire said and sat down in the kitchen. 
"Here try" Kai shoved a spoon to Claire mouth.
"Ooh, Ziti al Frono. The occasion? Also a little bit more salt" Claire said.

  "Mom said she'll be home by six today. That's early if you hadn't noticed" Her brother told her.
"Yeah it is. So, you excited to go to the Carnival with Spencer" Claire smiled at her big brother.

"If you mean nervous yeah i am. I haven't hung out with him since i left for college. I don't know if he still likes the same thing he did last year" He told her.
  "Oh he does trust me, he also likes cliches. So win him a teddy bear" Claire told him.
After Kai finished making the Ziti, Susanna came home.

Sooner or later Claire was in her bed putting on a show for her to go to sleep.
  "Teen Wolf or Gossip Girl is the question" She muttered to herself.
Then she heard a ring tone. She saw Eliot Archibald trying to FaceTime her. She answered.

"Yes Eliot Archibald?" She asked.

"I can't sleep" he told her.

"Why'd you call me?" she asked again.

"I don't know. I couldn't sleep so my first instinct was to call you" he said as he tossed over to the other side of the bed.

"Well i'm here, i guess. I'll stay on call with you Eliot Archibald" She told him and placed the phone on the bed. "Give me a good show to watch" She said scrolling through her "watch again" list.

"If you're trying to go to sleep just put on Supernatural" He told her staring at the screen.

"Alright, Supernatural it is. I've already seen that show like 10 times anyway" She said and clicked on it.

She moved one of her extra pilled to her side putting the phone on the side. Claire always held onto a pillow.
  "You're going to fall asleep with me. I don't want you to be staring at me while i sleep" She said as she got comfortable.

"Okay. It's working, i needed to call you for me to go sleep" Eliot Archibald smiled at her through the phone.

"Weirdo. Good Night Eliot Archibald. Sweet dreams" she said slowly falling asleep.

"Night Claire Valentine. Sweet Dreams. Thanks for answering" He smiled at her once more before closing his eyes.

Claire was finally asleep. But Eliot Archibald was still awake. He couldn't sleep. He was nervous for tomorrow.

"I'm nervous Claire. Tomorrow your finally letting me take one step closer" Eliot Archibald said staring at the screen.

Claire heard his voice but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry for always annoying you, and for always thinking i'm the same. But Claire dammit let me in. Let me prove to you that not everyone leaves" He told her sitting up.

Claire squeezed her pillow trying not to show any emotion.

"I think there is something in your heart that wants you to let me in but you won't do it. I get it your scared. But just please Claire. Let me do something about it" He said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry again. I know i bug, I know I over step. Trust me I know. I know sometimes I flirt without even knowing it and I'm sorry. Claire I'm sorry. I know you're asleep and you won't hear any of this. That's good because I don't think I could ever say this too your face. I should probably go to sleep. Night Claire Valentine"

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